UncleKyle01 Blog
Nice so you can't post pictures right now or links
by UncleKyle01 on Comments
Is it just me?
by UncleKyle01 on Comments
Is this site the vortex for all that is bug ridden, server corrupting, always screwed up or is it just me?
I Hate to bring up the news but I don't get it!
by UncleKyle01 on Comments
Government of the people, by the people, will be missing a lot of people, even in war torn Iraq an estimated 70 percent of voters cast ballots in December parliamentary elections. I hope these elections will be better I know for me, I will be piecing my voter registration card back together because I washed my wallet with my jeans but you can still read the important stuff. It won't stop me. So Vote
First you get it, then it's gone!
by UncleKyle01 on Comments
First you get a new logo, then it’s gone. Then you get 6 blank logos. It's like a frekin magic show. I live in Utah so I can officially say frekin. Which is quite different from freaking, especially in Utah.
I got a news link shiny new logo thing!
by UncleKyle01 on Comments
I would not have noticed if Lokar had not mentioned it.
Way to go Lokar :o
So my router went out.
by UncleKyle01 on Comments
Here is some strange news from just one town over!
by UncleKyle01 on Comments
An Odgen, Utah, woman was struck by a truck driven by a police dog. The accident occurred when Ranger, a German shepherd, was left alone in an idling police truck while his handler attended to a domestic dispute. The truck began inching forward after Ranger apparently bumped the shift lever on the steering column.
The woman, who was outside retrieving her mail, never saw the creeping truck. She suffered a fractured pelvis and tailbone. And, according to her husband, she had tire marks on her clothes.
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