Its shareholders dont see it profiting all too well, and it doesnt contribute anything to gaming, no good exclusives and constantly riping off its consumers with needless attachements and charging for online, which ny the way it doesnt cost a dime for them to run. if it drops out of the console market i wouldnt miss it at all. no console i ever owned has given me so much headaches and caused a bigger dent in my wallet.
I think that even though you're clearly trolling, with some bad information, I do think that there's a slight chance that this could happen.
Why? Because Microsoft isn't acting like a Serious Console maker. Instead of building their stable of first party studios, they close most of them down. That's doesn't seem to resemble a company looking for growth in the console hardware business....that resembles a company with possible aspirations of a possible cut and run....a clean escape or getaway whenever the time should arise.
Afterall, Video games is only something Microsoft essentially just "does on the side".
Overall, I don't want this to happen, because even though Microsoft has done some harm, like charging to play online, thereby causing others to try and charge...overall I think Microsoft has created competition and competition is good for consumers.
While I like Sony better than Microsoft, in no way do I feel Sony can or should be left to their own devices in the video game industry.....they can't be trusted either.
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