Again, I have stated on why a PS3 programmer has to use CELL's SPUs for current raster render workloads.Using CELL with RSX is covered by my CELL patching up RSX postings, for example
3) Vertex texture sampling
You can texture sample in vertex shaders on 360 just fine, but it's unusably slow on PS3. Most multi platform games simply won't use this feature on 360 to make keeping parity easier, but if a dev does make use of it then you will have no choice but to move all such functionality to spu.By this point alone, you have to use CELL with RSX as CELL's SPUs can't take over the entire pixel shader workloads.
4) Shader patching
Changing variables in shader programs is cake on the 360. Not so on the PS3 because they are embedded into the shader programs. So you have to use spu's to patch your shader programs.On this point, before feeding shader programs to RSX, you JIT(Just In Time) patch up RSX's shader programs by CELL's SPUs. This is another example on using CELL with RSX.
The PC has a similar JIT optimisation built into it's GPU driver, but this particular PS3 optimisation is not needed for DX10 GPUs.
7) MSAA alternatives
Msaa runs full speed on 360 gpu needing just cpu tiling calculations. Msaa on PS3 gpu is very slow. You will want to move msaa to spu as soon as you canRefer to screen space based MLAA. This is another example on using CELL with RSX. On The PC, Radeon HD's MLAA was done on the GPU.
9) Load balancing
360 gpu load balances itself just fine since it's unified. If the load on a given frame shifts to heavy vertex or heavy pixel load then you don't care. Not so on PS3 where such load shifts will cause frame drops. You will want to shift as much load as possible to spu to minimize your peak load on the gpu.This is another example on using CELL with RSX. RSX doesn't have unified shader design for load balancing.
11) Shader array indexing
You can index into arrays in shaders on the 360 gpu no problem. You can't do that on PS3. If you absolutely need this functionality then you will have to either rework your shaders or move it all to spu.This is another example on using CELL with RSX.
It looks like it is you who really don't have any idea on the points given above.
There are reasons on why both AMD and NVIDIA designed their DX10 GPUs with similar feature set.
PS; I code C++/C#(mostly C++)programming as my day job.
Any peek FLOPS count will be debunked by the very nature of RSX and CELL off-chip design and G7X/RSX's design issues.
To be honest, everything you've said means very little...why?
Because for consoles, the Graphics king champions are almost always a PS3 game.
You can keep trying to explain away why the RSX and the Cell are somehow even to the XBOX 360 all you want, the fact is the fact....PS3 keeps outdoing XBOX 360 in the graphics department, over and over, and over, and come 2011....OVER again.
XBOX 360 tech is inferior to the tech of the PS3 and until I see otherwise, it is what it is....period.
Again, when comparing a game A on XYZ hardware against game B on hardware ABC, one must be careful with the art work differences.
Comparing a game A on XYZ hardware against game B on hardware ABC benchmark practises are not acceptable in professional IT world, but they are acceptable in art critic movie industry.
Refer to the topic question "Why do multiplats look better on the 360, but PS3 exclusives look better?"
Answer: Some Multiplats look better on the XBOX 360 because the game was led developed for it and the PS3 must be programed differently in order to achieve "on par" results.
PS3 exclusives look better because the PS3 has the more powerful hardware and has an extraordinary number of top flight developers to take advantage of the superior tech.
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