Or working the wrong way. I'm just saying a medicated unstable human being does something tragic and the first thing at fault is guns and games?? Common sense on my end would look at the meds he was on.
prescription drugs did this plain and simple. Almost every tragedy like this, shows the shooters on prescription drugs. Where's the outrage at the drug companies??
My understanding of this, is parents want a plug n play server like the console version. If you aren't computer savy, setting up a server on the pc is annoying, especially when explaining to kids how to invite people. basically parents just want their kids to turn on the game and play with friends without having to do crap.
Msoft version having it's own server is better, but PC version is vastly superior and updated sooner.
A hardware company that "by any means necessary" is concerned solely about profit, is joining forces with a software company that "by any means necessary" is concerned solely about profit.
Sounds like a win win for gamers. Sounds like Msoft is going to have to create a miracle on its system reveal.
The only reasons any mentions "taboo" anything is for hype or to sell a point home. Not release the game?? Really!?
If he really was trying to make "mature" themes, then he should not mention them beforehand and just allow them to play out. He either wants to hype the game, pad it for the media onslaught, or thinks gamers are to stupid to handle whatever theme he's putting there.
@slainta @Imperiacommando But i thought the PS4 was getting entire new PSN software, i've heard the PSN games bought are not transferring, so i would think trophies won't either.
Urizen5's comments