@harold317 I don't think Sony plans everyone to jump ship right away, or Msoft for that matter. I think a yr or two into the PS3 lifecycle before PS3 is dead. Look at how long PS2 was still supported.
Cloud gaming for backwards compatability sounds great. I don't really want to buy old games or DLoad them, but for a small service fee to be able to play any old game i want when i want sounds great.
though i do agree on people with data caps on the internet might suffer over this.
@iBuSHiDo Well one thing is menus. The touch might have a quicker response time than the stick. i might use to select things on a menu. i.e Skyrims UI compared from PC to console.
I swear these rumors are Sony and Msoft testing the waters. Executive "lets see boys, they are freaking out over always online. Let's not put that in, that way they'll bitch less when we sneak in blocked used games."
They see which concept is liked or disliked to prepare themselves.
You know what's even more sad, if you look at all current shootings, from colombine up to sandy hook, all of those kids/people were on prescribed medication. Everyone of them.
Have you heard anyone go after the drug companies? What is that term Arkham razor?? What's more sensible fro the mindless shootings. guns that have strict laws to get, video games that a rated for responsible parenting, or..drugs which make money from making people "mindless".
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