@buccomatic That's why i said fans and people who wanted to play this. It's a simple thing to look up info on this game. I've never played Borderlands or a Gearbox game. I knew about this without really looking for it. The info was easily available.
I do understand bad DLC, Capcom is horrible at it. This though, should not be an issue. the company told everyone beforehand what was up, and made the info easily available.
Pretty much the only people hurt are those who had no clue, or were just stubborn and were sitting on the fence about getting it.
The free content should have been an incentive to pay for it early, not a punishment for not getting it.
Well instead of looking at paying for "free" content, look at it as getting $10 content free. It was known that pre-pay offers a free character. You have no reason to complain for not taking advantage of it.
It was set to reward fans and people who really wanted to play. I don't feel sorry for people whining about paying when they had the same opportunity that everyone else had in getting it for free.
The first one was a guilty pleasure of mine. Something about hearing zombies scream bloody murder as they come barreling after you can be ..unnerving. I never put it as groundbreaking, but it was a pretty intense game at times. I hope they bring more and better crafting. The more i look back on it, the more i really enjoyed the game.
Nintendo is an extremely successful gaming company, and I say gaming company. You know who own Xbox..microsoft, maker of PC software. you know you owns playstation..Sony maker electronics you know who owns Nintendo...Nintendo maker of games.
You may not like their direction, but Nintendo has had gamers from day one. They made their money exclusively from gaming. I give props to them, with only one department in their company, they have become extremely successful and still are.
Urizen5's comments