I'm going to support it simply to give developers another tool to create and try out ideas on. I have no issue spending a buck or two on crazy ideas someone wants to try out. I figure if certain ideas and concepts work well then they can be implemented into 1st class Console or PC games.
I think this has potential to be creative tool, i just hope it is used as such. I will blindly support this and pray that i'm not screwed over.
Overall I think the 6 million is a waste, but for a 100 bucks i'll get it. It seems to me like a dumping ground for developer ideas to use on bigger games. I've got no problem with that. I'm willing to pay and play half-ass crazy games for fun. I just hope this system is actually used with its full potential.
I do believe "hard copies" for gaming will eventually fade away, but not for awhile. There is no reason to think cloud gaming is a mainstay. especially here in the US with its bad internet infrastructure. Until at least 80% of the people have a 5 to 10mbs connection, it'll never happen.
IMO stores the gamestop are ultimately a failing business model. Though if Sony backs them up, i hope publishers stop giving Gstop promotion bonuses, or at least give some to those who Dload digitally. I.E early release
You know what would top FFVII? A FFVII remake. I don't understand and easy moneymaker grab like this isn't being made. I think it's shame, they realize they don't have what it takes to make a genre setting game again.
I find it kinda sad that a next gen system is being debated to be graphically better than a last gen system. Even more sad is the fact that it may not be a 100% guaranteed.
btw. ignore my avatar, i've been too lazy to change since black n white release.
Urizen5's comments