Did an American senator just tell American citizens they have no voice in a country For the people Of the people By the people?
GTFO He needs to be let go. Senator Yee you work for us, plain and simple. Until you and your peers understand this, all of you you should be voted out. All of you.
Looks the animations might be better. I actually like the designs, though the names are questionable, of the new starters. I just hope it carries over to the rest of the new pokemon.
Curious as to the X and Y being just letters or a reference to chromosomes..
@Vlakc which goes to show you how little pirating can really do. Granted, Minecraft has a very broader, casual, base compared to a typical PC game, but still. A pirated game can still rake in the dough.
I do kinda favor this..as long as the study is fair. I'd like to have representatives of the industry actually take part in it to make it fair. I believe there is no significant truth behind violent games = violent people, and i would like some actual facts to back this up.
@Mario_Bones Uh no..Restricting guns is stupid, they don't kill anything. You are no different than this senator, blaming something else besides the actual problem...the person behind the gun.
Urizen5's comments