Urizen5's forum posts
I bought Suikoden 1 last week. Best 6 dollars I ever spent. It got me to thinking how much I am craving a solid RPG right now. To me this is what made Playstation such awesome consoles! Unfortunalty, I don't have BC on my PS3, so I can't enjoy the current crop of RPG's for the PS2.
I just wish there were more to play. I'm not even looking for a FFXIII quality experience. Just throw me a bone people. I just hope Sony releases more PSN content for RPG's. I need to play them. Am I the only one here? Anyways, thank you for your time and listening to me rant.
Clay Fighter.
Complete trash.
Nooooo!! Blasphemy man. ha ha
This is Not Flamebait. Don't treat it as such please.
The PS 3 wireless sucks terrible on this game. Any of you 360 players have this problem? The lag on the wireless controller is ridiculous.
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