Which one is more accurate? Because I comprised a list of games that would suit my taste based on the ratings and I don't know if I should use ign or not.
Uryu52134's forum posts
Okay, I think I made it way too complicated so I just searched for the games myself.
Can you help add some more games or is that all? The categories are just stealth games, games with both stealth and speed, and the speed games are games with fast running and climbing. Uncharted 2 I didn't like because it has way too many boring puzzles and it has slow climbing and running. As for prototype, it has way too much destruction. The numbers stand for rankings.
1) Metal Gear Solid
8) Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell
Stealth & Speed
3) Batman Arkham Asylum
4) Assassin's Creed
11) The Saboteur
2) Ninja Gaiden Sigma
5) inFamous
6) Devil May Cry
7) Spider-Man: Web of Shadows
9) Prince of Persia
10) Just Cause 2
thanks :D
[QUOTE="Uryu52134"]You assume that playing videogames in one's free time precludes all else? It's pretty simple; there are a certain number of free hours in a person's life, and they can be spent according to a person's wishes. That means they can choose to spend 5% of their free time gaming, 95%... although we'd probably agree 5% is a more reasonable percentage than 95, it's still up to an individual's choice how much it is a priority, because the same decision must be made for all other aspects of a person's life. The priority varies. Human beings learn through playing, and there is much to be learned from videogames. RTS games place a high demand on multi-tasking, long-term planning and quick-decision making. That combination of skills, under high pressure no less, is difficult to stimulate in real life. Action games force you to act and react nearly instaneously, something that you can get from participating in sports, sure, but playing a series of action games may improve adaptibility to new rule-sets and demands as opposed to settling into a comfortable set of rules if you played a lot of basketball. Then again, you might miss out on the health benefits from a more physically demanding activity, as well as reaction times. Human beings play videogames because all human beings seek challenging, stimulating activities. That we spend so much time playing videogames is an excellent indication of their mentally demanding properties. Is that better than reading a book? No, not really. There are understimulating, time-wasting videogames. There are understimulating, time-wasting books. They also put completely different demands on a person mentally. I would say that books tend to offer less raw development than videogames from a cognitive standpoint, but a good deal more content. Even in fiction, I think you're generally absorbing better quality of thought from reading 1984, and contemplating the nature of truth and humanity, than by pondering tactics in Fire Emblem. Fire Emblem probably gives your brain a more direct work-out though... They both inherently have value. I would suggest it's overly simplistic, and short-sighted, to suggest that one medium has greater inherent virtues by virtue of being established (even if I have personally bullishly played up the benefits of videogames at times :P). That has little to do with the truth.I honestly, don't understand how you people have time for gaming when you have a full-time job or even go to high school.
I mean, you go to job at like 7 to 6? Or even more in over-time? And then you go home and play video games, you're kidding right? You don't go out with your friends, you don't spend time with your family?
And yes, reading books is better than playing video games.
yeah 5% a day isn't bad at all, only around an hour+
I just thought that a lot of people on this site played way more than that.
I honestly, don't understand how you people have time for gaming when you have a full-time job or even go to high school.
I mean, you go to job at like 7 to 6? Or even more in over-time? And then you go home and play video games, you're kidding right? You don't go out with your friends, you don't spend time with your family?
And yes, reading books is better than playing video games.
If you like something you'll make the time for it. I work 8-hr rotating shifts 4 on/2 off. When you're married, forget about spending too much time going out with friends. Most of the time I spend outside the home when not at work is the 1-1.5 hours daily at the gym. That and attending a few classes a week. All my friends are married too and in the same boat. We get to see each other sparingly, usually at potlucks or at one of our kid's birthday parties. Otherwise, I'm at home where there's plenty of time for family and gaming.
But remember the sentence in bold. You're kidding yourself if you think you can spend equal time with family and friends. If you're married, you'll be spending most of your free time at home. Otherwise, expect an eventual divorce farther down the line.
that "sentence in bold" depends on the circumstances. For example, my father always goes out with his friends to eat at night and so does my friends' parents. He gets home at 10-12 pm. Each family is different.
I honestly, don't understand how you people have time for gaming when you have a full-time job or even go to high school.
I mean, you go to job at like 7 to 6? Or even more in over-time? And then you go home and play video games, you're kidding right? You don't go out with your friends, you don't spend time with your family?
And yes, reading books is better than playing video games.
Okay, I'm just going to sum up what I'm looking for.
So basically, I liked the assassin/thief class in mmorpg's. However, I don't like mmorpg's. So I'm looking for a game that reflects the assassin/thief gameplay and style. Like you saw, I had a list of aspects that I derived from those two sites (that doesn't work). Then, when I looked back, I don't think that it's the best way to choose games like that. I think it's better to look at all the aspects as a group, and it'd be easier to choose a game like that.
Instead of looking at a assassin/thief ****in ONE mmorpg, I decided to look at the overall ****of assassin/thieves. I also decided to inclde in other types of "stealth ****s" such as scouts and rangers. Lol, for some reason some mmorpg's don't look at rangers as a stealth **** take for example, maplestory (which I loathe)
So then I looked around and saw that the main attributes of those rpg stealth ****s are speed and stealth. Those wiki sites I looked at (you can find them by googling "assassin character **** also described a lot of the fighting ****of assassin/thieves.
And also, do you think that I should include action games with flashy skills (because a lot of mmorpg's emphasize assassin/thief flashy moves).
So basically, this is what I'm looking for.
Good action games similar to ninja gaiden sigma 2 with all those flashy moves.
Good stealth games. (When I say stealth game, I also mean games like assassin's creed 2 that is considered an action-adventure game but has a lot of stealth in it)
Good rpg's with a good assassin/thief ****
Good "speed" games like Spiderman: Web of Shadows with the nimble and agility in both movement and combat. (This might a be a little tricky because I don't really like games like Mirror's Edge or games like prototype) Mirror's Edge I don't really like because it doesn't emphasize that much combat and it's first-person (I prefer third-person). As for prototype, it honestly takes away the "assassin/thief" feel with so much of its destructive power.
Btw, just one question, are there games that combine stealth AND speed?
And is saboteur considered a stealth game? ( I don't really think so, but I can be wrong )
Lol did I make my range of games way too wide? Seems like a lot of people only look for one specific genre. But since I can't really find any games that actually combine speed and stealth, I might as well go for both types of games.
I'm pretty sure there's only speed, stealth, and combat that I'm looking for in assassin/thief ****s because all those other attributes can't really constitute a game. If you can, take a look at the wiki sites, they may help you a lot.
Sorry about not putting it in the game recommendation section, but it's just that I tend to type way too much and it takes days to get an answer.
I'm sorry I barely read 1/3 of all that but I'm just gonna say "Tenchu" and hope it might just answer one of your way too many questions. :p
yeah, I think I made it WAY to complicated for myself and others.,Okay, I'm just going to sum up what I'm looking for.
So basically, I liked the assassin/thief class in mmorpg's. However, I don't like mmorpg's. So I'm looking for a game that reflects the assassin/thief gameplay and style. Like you saw, I had a list of aspects that I derived from those two sites (that doesn't work :P). Then, when I looked back, I don't think that it's the best way to choose games like that. I think it's better to look at all the aspects as a group, and it'd be easier to choose a game like that.
Instead of looking at a assassin/thief class in ONE mmorpg, I decided to look at the overall class of assassin/thieves. I also decided to inclde in other types of "stealth classes" such as scouts and rangers. Lol, for some reason some mmorpg's don't look at rangers as a stealth class, take for example, maplestory (which I loathe :P)
So then I looked around and saw that the main attributes of those rpg stealth classes are speed and stealth. Those wiki sites I looked at (you can find them by googling "assassin character class) also described a lot of the fighting style of assassin/thieves.
And also, do you think that I should include action games with flashy skills (because a lot of mmorpg's emphasize assassin/thief flashy moves).
So basically, this is what I'm looking for.
Good action games similar to ninja gaiden sigma 2 with all those flashy moves.
Good stealth games. (When I say stealth game, I also mean games like assassin's creed 2 that is considered an action-adventure game but has a lot of stealth in it)
Good rpg's with a good assassin/thief class.
Good "speed" games like Spiderman: Web of Shadows with the nimble and agility in both movement and combat. (This might a be a little tricky because I don't really like games like Mirror's Edge or games like prototype) Mirror's Edge I don't really like because it doesn't emphasize that much combat and it's first-person (I prefer third-person). As for prototype, it honestly takes away the "assassin/thief" feel with so much of its destructive power.
Btw, just one question, are there games that combine stealth AND speed?
And is saboteur considered a stealth game? ( I don't really think so, but I can be wrong )
Lol did I make my range of games way too wide? Seems like a lot of people only look for one specific genre. But since I can't really find any games that actually combine speed and stealth, I might as well go for both types of games.
thanks :D
I'm pretty sure there's only speed, stealth, and combat that I'm looking for in assassin/thief classes because all those other attributes can't really constitute a game. If you can, take a look at the wiki sites, they may help you a lot.
sorry, the sites don't work.
You can just type in (assassin character class) or ranger or thief in google.
I'm just going to recap on what I'm looking for. I'm basically looking for games similar to the assassin/thief classes in mmorpg's. However, the thing is that I don't like mmorpg's with all those retarded annoying kids and crappy gameplay, so I was looking for games where assassin/thief classes shine. I already know that I like flashy games like ninja gaiden 2 sigma, any kind of rpg's as long as they have assassin/thief class (since they're definitely better than mmorpg's without the mmo), and action games.
These two wiki sites basically describe what I'm looking for:
I'm just confused as to what degree of stealth it has to have in action games. I guess the amount of stealth or higher in assassins' creed 2?
And I also had listed some aspects like versatility, poison, speed, stealth, but I thought it unnecessary since they are all described and listed to a degree in the wiki sites. The thing is that when I list out all the aspects, it would lead to a lot of irrevelant stuff, for example, infamous, it has nothing to do with assassin/thief imo, but it has a lot of running and climbing which are part of my aspects.
oh yeah and added on to my questions from my last post which was:
1)Since assassins/thieves are nimble and swift, how exactly does that apply in stealth action game. So I was just wondering where the "nimble and swift" comes in the games?
2)What is the difference between the ranger kind of gameplayhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ranger_(character_****and assassin/thief gameplay? And what games would I be looking at if I'm looking for ranger gameplay?
3) Are there any acion games with flashy gameplay like in ninja gaiden, or is that just in fighting games? Does heavenly sword have flashy gameplay?
4) You picked prince of persia because it had assassin-like character and weapons, but like dark sector, it has assassin type characters too, so is picking games like that exactly the way to do it?
5)Isn't sly cooper stealth? I mean, it is on the top stealth games.
6)I didn't really get what you said. If assassin/thief gameplay is a lot about stealth, shouldn't the aspects that I listed before be more in those kinds of games? Since the aspects came from wiki sites describing assasssins/thieves.
7) And finally, are there any good rpg's with a good assassin **** I mean, I played oblivion before on the pc. As for demon's soul, I heard that it was like dark throughout the whole game and was a bit overrated.
8) And about the hack and slash game genre, what is heavenly sword considered? What exactly is the name for games like ninja gaiden or bayonetta or dmc?
9)And as for hack and slash rpg's they're games like demon's soul right? Which other hack and slash rpg's are there?
10)I'm still a little confused. I'm definitely sure I'm looking for some fast-paced fighting games like dmc or ninja gaiden sigma 2, but what is the difference between hack n slash games and those above that I mentioned (ninja gaiden sigma 2, dmc)? Isn't it the same thing?
11)And also, I'm a little confused about the stealth genre. Am I looking for more of a action game with stealth aspects or a stealth action game?
12)And are there any similar games to assassin's creed 2 in the aspect of being an action game but having a hell lot of stealth?
13) Finally, how exactly should I choose the games? Like if the game has running and climbing and speed, should I get it just because it is part of my aspects? Or should I determine first if it has a decent amount of stealth first? Stealth is the major attribute of assassins/thieves right?
thanks a lot :D
These are my only questions left :D
wait, Splinter cell is for ps3?
and btw, when you talk about gameplay you mean the aspects I listed above right?
So basically, batman, prince of persia, splinter cell, ninja gaiden, metal gear solid, alpha protocol, and demon's soul?
The combat in dragon age origins is like in mmorpg's?
And finally, do you recommend any other games besides those listed above?
And also, which game should I buy first. There is quite a few even after eliminating some choices.
oh and also, what do you think about fallout?
I double checked. Only Splinter Cell: Double Agent is on PS3 but there are a lot of rumors that the first three games of the series are getting the GoW Collection treatment.
Yes I'm talking about the aspects you mentioned.
Yeah Dragon Age's combat is MMO-like.
I would say that Metal Gear Solid 4 and Demon's Souls are the first you should buy. Also Prince of Persia and Ninja Gaiden are very good.
Fallout is a very good game and it can easily be played as a stealth/assassination/thieving game if you build your character right.
lol why would you say that mgs4 and demon's soul should be the first ones I buy?
And btw, check your inbox if you have time. All the questions that I have left are on there :P Sorry if it's long, but, I promise those are the only questions I have :D
some people suggested dragon age origins based on the aspects lol
A few questions :D
1) Since assassins/thieves are nimble and swift, how exactly does that apply in stealth action game. So I was just wondering where the "nimble and swift" comes in the games?
2) What is the difference between the ranger kind of gameplay http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ranger_%28character_29
and assassin/thief gameplay? And what games would I be looking at if I'm looking for ranger gameplay?
3) Are there any acion games with flashy gameplay like in ninja gaiden, or is that just in fighting games? Does heavenly sword have flashy gameplay?
4) You picked prince of persia because it had assassin-like character and weapons, but like dark sector, it has assassin type characters too, so is picking games like that exactly the way to do it?
5) Isn't sly cooper stealth? I mean, it is on the top stealth games.
6) I didn't really get what you said. If assassin/thief gameplay is a lot about stealth, shouldn't the aspects that I listed before be more in those kinds of games? Since the aspects came from wiki sites describing assasssins/thieves.
7) And finally, are there any good rpg's with a good assassin class? I mean, I played oblivion before on the pc. As for demon's soul, I heard that it was like dark throughout the whole game and was a bit overrated.
thanks :D
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