VScalar's forum posts
Definitely not. Take some responsibility, people, and don't blame developers who take advantage of the fact that you refuse to do research. You get the quality you are willing to take a stand for, and nothing more. They owe you nothing...don't give them your hard earned dollars for crap, and if you do you get what you deserve.
I'm purposefully not going to mention the WSOD-that's been covered with the kotaku link.
But, seriously, come on, Cows...show me some of that all-singing, all dancing PS3 ubermachine crap you've been talking since day -3. I mean, are you really crowing because the PS3 version is arguablyneglibly better?
T3h sup3rc0mpu7er indeed.
While I'm sure it is technically possible for me to disagree with you more than I already do, I'm equally sure it would take too much energy to actually do it.
Gaming is as legitamate a passtime/form of entertainment as you happen to think it is. I think that most would agree that worrying about what society at large has to say is, at best, counterproductive. If people make fun of you for gaming, you are hanging out with the wrong crowd.
What it comes down to is this: anyone who lets other people define what is or is not a legitimate form of entertainment for them deserves what they get (not much fun).
That sent a chill down your spine?
Closet Lemming much?
It could have 40 GB of ram and developers will still be cheap and lazy.
Yes, because developers enjoy making inferior products that make them look bad. I learned that in "Management 102: How To Make Your Business Go BOOM" at the University of Sarcasm & Facetiousness.
Elizabeth Montgomery >> Nicole Kidman.
They can't bring the banhammer fast enough for my liking. That's the only problem I see, everything else works like clockwork.
I like the new melee system, it actually rewards forethought and doesn't favor host (or standbyers, as much). I think the maps are pretty good (but I'd like more anyway). Sniping works quite nicely-the only complaints I've heard are from people who got used to Halo 2's autoaim. I don't think any weapons are overpowered except in certain contexts-there is always a counter if you think about it.
I have better things to do with my $500....like catching up on some great Wii games and expanding my 360 game portoflio ever further. I'd even say that saving up for a non-obsolescent PC would be higher on my list.
The price drop is a step in the right direction, but it is too little, I give up too much for it (BC = more precious realestate in my entertainment center), and there are only 4 games I'm even interested in currently or soon available: R:FoM, MotorStorm, U:DF, and Warhawk.
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