~Well, I haven't written a blog in a while. I started to write this about three days ago, but when I was halfway throughI left the computer for a break and my momclosed the window I was writing in. : / Oh well, Lets try this again.
Its that time of year, game awards are being handed out, and the most prestigeous of all is on the line. "Game of The Year" (GOTY). Everyone has their opinions of who will win and why, so hereare mine, plus some of the games that were close, but not quite close enough, the Runner-Ups. I will Start with the Runner-Ups.
Runner Up 1: Infamous:
~Face it, you will never be as cool as Cole
I am sure I won't have many arguments here. Sucker Punch, the developers of Sly Cooper, are back at it again with yet another awesome game: Infamous. An open-world sandbox game with two storylines dependent upon the players moral choices, Infamous is big, engrossing, and unforgetable. The story is told through artsy comic-booklike cutscenes that are very unique. Solid controls and an awesome climbing system that makes spider-man games pea themselvescombined withan ever growing arsenal of electric powers rounds out this awesome package. This is what Prototype wishes it was. :p
Runner-Up 2: Batman
~A Batman game thats good? Wow, thats a good idea..
Batman: Arkham Asylum captures what it is to be Batman. Your not bullet-proof, shadows don't make you completely dissapear (You listening, Tom Clancy?), and stealth is the name of the game. Steath and gadgets. And puzzles. And fighting..ok, there is alot in this game. The stealth element is perfectly executed, from the tense mission and challenges, to the worried expressions of badies as they watch there fellow henchmen picked off. And when yourcover is broken, and awesome-but simple-combo based fighting system makes you look as skilled as any choreography in a big-budget batman movie. This, combined with a sick skill upgrading (a la an RPG), a sick time-attack tyoe mode, and sick puzzles, makes for an awesome game, even for people who aren't remotely fans of Batman...or super heros in general.
Runner-Up 3: Little Big Planet
~Sackboy, Love him or your heartless
Little Big Planet is quiet possibly the new face of Sony. Too bold of a statement, you say? Ok, here is this: Little Big Planet is Sony's Mario. This thing may be simple, but it has such undeniable charm, it will win your heart. Although the platforming is simple (hey, 2.5D is still more than Super Mario Bros can boast!), the gameplay is made fun by whimsical levels saturated with boisterous, unbounded creativity and amusing gameplay mechanics (not to mention the awesome physics engine). Even though the campaign is short, multiplayer is rowdy and hilarious; it has the potential to steal alot of your time. But what really makes this game is user-generated content and the endless levels of customizing. Beat the campaign and played-out multiplayer? Customize sack-boy beyond reason and play a plethora of levels created by other Little Big Planet users. None of them good enough for you? Make your own. The level designer is in-depth and complex, but well worth your time. If you have a PS3, don't miss this game.
Runner-Up 4: Demon's Souls
~You will look like him by the time your done with this game
Demon's Souls is a punishingly hard, highly satisfying, way huge RPG. But, would you expect anything else From Atlus? Oh, and my love of Atlus has nothing at all to do with this game making it in the runner-up section. :D There have been alot of good RPGs on consoles lately, and suprisingly alot of good western RPGs. Elder Scrols: Oblivion, Fallout 3, and Dragon Age: Origins are all great games. But lets face it, no one does RPGS like the Japs, and since its Atlus, you can expect three things: Its long, its really difficult, and it has an awesome story-line. Now, some of you western gamers (oh wait...I am a western gamer...) don't care for super hard games, but the Japs know how its done. This is no Assasin's Creed 2, its gonna take a while to beat. But don't worry, your gonna have alot of stuff to do during your stay. Life-like, voice acted characters and a vast land to explore in a non-linear fashion mean you will keep coming back.
Runner-Up 5:Killzone 2
~What Halo wishes it was, and what Halo will never be
After the first Killzone game was met with lackluster response, Sony knew they would have to up the ante next time around in order to beat Halo. Boy, did they do it. Killzone 2 has amazing, drool inducing graphics, a kickin'campaign, and a social-life destroying online multiplayer. Like I said, the campaign is cool, but online is where its at. Awesome levels (with many more available through DLC), crazy cool weapons, an array of game types, andtons of ranks to climb all add up to an awesome experience. The dark, gritty, almost deisel-punk look of the game is oh-so right, and the sound is brutal. Overal, this game is brutal. Notridiculously bloody to a comical extent, like Gears of War, but just plain brutal in the way the weapons work (one gun impales people, sticking them to nearby walls before detonating inside its victim), the animations whenenemies die (blood is overly thick and quite abundant), and the superb sound thatimmerses you in the game(hyper-believable guns sounds and the quite audible indicator that your enemies make when downed). Best shooter ever? No, probably not. Bestfuturistic shooter you can buy this generation? Most certainly.
P.S.: The inventor of Halo was having a vivid dream that he was playing what he wished Halo was. It was amazing,just like he had envisionedHalobefore it wasactually time to design it. With a start, he woke-up. He lookeddown and noticed a PS3 controller in his hands. Upon looking up,he realized Killzone 2was on the TV screen. He had been playing what he wished Halo was! It just went by a different name, "Killzone 2".
Ok, now for what you all have been waiting for with baited breath (lol), my pick for Game of The Year.
VXLBeast's Pick for "Game of The Year" goes to:
Drake's Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
~Keep hanging Drake, we want Uncharted 3!!!
Was there really any competition? Ok, so there was alot of competition. But Uncharted 2 is really a diamond among rubies, saphires, and emeralds. Uncharted 2 achieves a new level of video games immersion, pulling you into the action like no other gamebefore it. It is hard to focus on any single part, as the game is overall so outstanding. The awesome platforming sections, the intense gun fights, the great camera that stays trueeven in tricky hand to hand combat, the mind-bending puzzles, the superb voice acting and dialogue, theawesome story that can pull off being serious and hilarious and realistic and outrageous and light-hearted and emotional without breaking a sweat, the splendid graphics (easily the best of anyconsole game so far) with vivid, disturbingly real environments and near photorealistic character animation, the awesome cover system,and the addicting and enthralling online play, to name a few. It seems like every singleaspect of this game was executed with unheard of precision. All the cool stuff that shows up in othervideo gamesas cut scenes you actuallyplay in this game.One personwrote a blog about his impressions of the game.He was so mesmerized by every apsect of it that it made him ponder about the day that video games could become the standard media,advancing to the pointwhere they wereconsidered interactive movie experiences more than time-wasters for kids. Some of have even gone so far as to call it the downright best game ever made? So, does it threaten the throne of Legend ofZelda: Ocarina of Time? Although I don't believe Zelda's crown has been taken yet, it is interesting to see that it is possible to get close.
And so, for those reasons and much, much more, Drake's Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is my pick for "Game of The Year". Go out an pick up a copy today, and happy gaming to you!
P.S: You will notice I mentioned nothing of Modern Warfare2, or Modern Warfare 1.5 as I call it. I wrote a large paragraph explainging why I didn't even give it a runner up award, but decided to remove it because it didn't fit very well with the subject matter. Stay tuned and I willre-post that paragraph as a seperate blog.
As always, thanks for reading!
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