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Games I am considering.

Well, it is about that time of year huh? The Summer gaming drought is almost over, the holiday season is quickly approaching, and everyone is posting the games that have their attention. I find these fun to read, they really let you see what a person is into. So, without further adieu, "Games thatI am considering/and or have cuaght my attention".

On the Wii:

Monster Hunter Tri

Call of Duty: ModernWarfare~ (or"Reflex", if that floats your boat)

Rune Factory: Frontier ~ (This game is like Harvest Moon)

Metroid Prime: Trilogy

Need for Speed: Undercover


On the DS:

Shin Megami Tensei:Devil Survivor~ (I amdefinetly getting this game)

The World Ends withYou~ (I am considering this game, not certain though)


Pokemon Soul Silver

Fire Emblem

Call of Duty: Mobilized ~ (I am considering this game, but others have higher priority)

Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days

Advanced Wars: Dual Strike ~ (or maybe Advanced Wars: Days of Ruin)

Okamiden: Little Sun ~ (Got to wait a while for that one, lol)


On the Gamecube: (I am considering getting some old Gamecube titles, there are some good ones)

Fire Emblem: Radiant Path

Baten Kaitos ~ (maybe)

Soul Kalibur


On the PS3: (if I get a PS3)

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

Valkyria Chronicles

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Fallout 3



The Orange Box ~ (This includes Portal and Team Fortress)

Phantasy Star Online 4

Battlefield 1943 or Bad Company

The Last Guardian

Dirt 2 ~ (Maybe)


On the PS2: (I don't have a PS2, and the PS3 isn't backwards-compatible, but if they releaase PS2 games for download on the Play Station Network, these are some I will get)


Shadow of the Collosus


Kingdom Hearts I and II


I know there are some I am forgetting, but you get the picture.

Of course, I will only be getting two or three of these this holiday, so I sitll need to narrow it down a bit more, lol.

So, what are you guys looking forward too?

Officially in love with Capcom (Monster Hunter Tri)

All right, so this blog is gonna be a little on the shorter side.

As you guys probably know, I looooove Okami. Like, love it to death. So much so that I actually just bought this shirt:

It was $25 (thats crazy for me, I don't spend much on clothes), but this is totally worth it. That is once harcore shirt. :)

Anyways, the folks behind Okami, Capcom (yah, I know, so it was technically Clover, but whatevs) are working on a new game, "Monster Hunter Tri". Most people have heard of it, but if you haven't, it is basically a huge RPG where you do quests and hunt monsters with a focus on cooperative play. Anyways, for the first time ever, it is coming to the Wii, and to the Wii exclusively. But that is not what has me so excited. Capcom, the ones responsible for the Wii title, has announced it will have online cooperative play. Yah, you can do quests for the story mode with friends...or complete strangers!!! That is awesome, majorly cool. Now, while there won't be Wiispeak between two strangers (too bad), there will be a gesture system that will allow some level of communication. Another feature is splitscreen, something us Wii owners have not seen enough of lately. So, all that is good and nice, but why am I so stoked? Well, take a gander at this screenshot:


And there is more where that came from. This game looks absolutely gorgeous. I mean, look at the detail of the fur and scales of the creatures! The lighting effects, the sharpness of the water, the detail on the environments. This game doesn't just look good, it looks downright awesome. I amm beginning to love Capcom. They, among a select group of others, have decided to take the Wiiseriously, and develop some quality games to prove it.

So, when can we get our hands on this bad boy? It is looking like March 2010. Not horrible, but not anytime soon. Oh well, make sure to track it to keep up with all the updates. Can't wait for this one. :)

EDIT: Well, even though this is off topic, I feel I must share this. There is new Okamiden gameplay released! It looks gorgeous. Here ya go!


Man, can you believe those are DS graphics? Awesome.

The Future of the Wii and DS

*This was originally part of my other blog post, but I decided to make it seperate.

How will Nintendo Follow-up the Wii and DS?

Well, with over a 100 million DS's sold and over 50 million Wiis sold,it is no stretch to say Nintendo has done quite well. In both the handheld and console fields they have come up with innovative ways to play games, ways we have never experience before. Obviously people responded quite well to Nintendos new, original ideas. But the question at hand is, "Will they be victims of their own success?" Let me expound upon that statement. First off, the Wii. For a next-gen console, what will Nintendo do? Will they go back to a contoller with buttons system? That would alienate their new-found customer base. Will they continue withthe samemotion controll scheme and just make simple improvements? If that is the case, whatnew content would they offer to convincecustomers that they should replace they Wii? Or will they come up with a completely new way of playing games all over again? If so, I can't fathom wehat it would be; it seems liek all routes of "innovation" are explored. Maybe I am wrong though, who knows. Personally, I think the"Wii HD" rumor that has been circling around is very probable. With a Wii HD-aWii with high processing abilitiesequal to or exceeding the PS3/360-many games that were not possible on the Wii could come alive. Having aWii would no longer mean giving up exceptional grahpics and productionvalues for motioncontrols. (Fallout 3 with motion controls anyone?) Games could be just as long and complex as 360/PS3 games, but with motion-controls intelligently implemented. Imagine it, no more PS2 ports! Furthermore, with motion controlls still being used, older Wii games could be played on a Wii HD. It could easily be advertised as a, "New andimproved Wii that far exceeds the older one in every way!" People would buy it, even the ones that are notneccesarily hardcore gamers. Is this what is going to transpire? I haven't the foggiestidea. Nintendo has been pouring tons of money intoresearch anddevelopment lately, so we woul dbe fools to think nothing is going on behind the scenes.I can say that, if it is aWii HD, I won't be dissapointed.

So, with that covered, what about the DS? This one is even more tricky. How do you expand upon a touch screen interface? Nintendo's current game-plan of periodic, minor updates along the way has worked well so far, but cannot be a permanent solution. So whats next? I don't believe a graphical boost is in order. In my opinion, the DS is at a sweet spot as far as graphics are concerned. With the DS being designed to involve the gamer with the gamer on a deeper level, how do you acheive a deeper level of involvement? There is already two screens, a touch screen, a microphone, and a camera. What else could be implemented? A pressure pad? A light sensor (like that one vampire game fot the GameBoy Advanced had)? I don' think that is the answer. So what then? And entirely new concept? Like with the Wii, I don't think Nintendo's handheld can return to a purely button based gaming experience. I really am stumped as to what direction they will take. What do you guys think? As before, I would love to hear your feed-back!

With no real answers in sight, I guess all we have to do is sit back, play some good old Wii, and speculate.

Musings: Considering a PS3

I usually don't like to write blogs with more than one topic, but I have alot I want to cover.

Is Beast Getting a PS3?

First off I will tackle the question, "Is Beast gona get a PS3?" Maybe. I am pretty tired of all the crap we Wii owners get shoved down our throat, and with the PS3 now only $300, it is always an option. I have been weighing the pros and cons of the PS3 versus the 360, and I have concluded that if I am to buy another system, it will certainly not be a broke-box. Between an unnaccetpable failure rate, $70 microphone, $100 network adapter, $50 a year Xbox live subscription, and same price tag as the PS3, the PS3, to me, seems to be a no-brainer. Of course, IMO, the 360 does have a more diverse game library; which brings me to my next point. What good games are there for the PS3? If someone asks you, "List some good 360 games", you could rattle off a bunch like Fallout 3, Elder Scrolls Oblivion, Chromehounds,Prototype,Gears of War, leftfor dead,Halo,ect. But, thats a little harder to do for the PS3. I mean, can you name a bunch off the top of your head (and Little Big Planet doesn't count, lol)? It takes a while to think of some outstanding PS3 titles, but they are there. Resistance: Fall of Man, Resistance 2, uhhhh...yah...you see my dilema. Of course, there are some titles that give me hope. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots was supposed to be amazing. In fact, GameSpot gave it a 10 out of 10. I have never seen them give any game a perfect score before. So, that is a major plus. Also in the mix is The Last Guardian. This game is being developed by the studio that made ICO and Shadow of Collossus for the PS2, both of these games being A+ titles with originality to spare. Check out the Last Guardian trailer, it looks likeit is going to be one big asset for the PS3. Of course, I can't forget Infamous. Having played it, I can personally say this game is wicked cool.ThinkGrand Theft Auto, without the vulgarity, but with super powers. Yes? Yes. It is awesome. It feels right, controls right; it is right. Awesome sand box game. And, of course, you can't exclude the Call of Duty series. Although it is for all three systems, (and I am trying to deal with exclusives here) it is a game not to be forgotten. Good campaign, betteronlinemultiplayer. Also, I would like to quickly mention Battlefield 1943. While this is also for the Xbox 360 as well,I can't leave it out.This is the best $15 you will spend on a game. Huge maps, expertly balanced classes, destructable environments, and well executed vehicles (besides the ridiculously hard to control planes): this game is truly fun. There are a couple flaws (when playing, I experience a couple times where a building simply wouldn't blow up), but the fun factor far out-weighs any technical problemsten-fold.

So, although this is personal opinion, I think the PS3 library could use a litle work. Either way, with the price drop will come a larger installed user base, which equates to more developers making games for it. I think the future is bright for PS3 gaming, and I may want to be a part of the future. So what is stopping me? Well, only a couple things really. One, I really, really don't like the PS3 controller. I know this sounds trivial, but I have to play every game I would buy with that controller, and if I hate the controller, that might be a problem. Maybe I would get used to it, maybe not, but I don't like the gamble there. Two: None of my friends have PS3s. Literally none. So, sure, I would make new friends online, but it is always nice to play with school or neighborhood friends as well. Lastly, I don't really consider myself a hardcore gamer. I play hardcore games and keep up with the latest gaming news, but I play games in spurts. I will play like crazy for a month or two, then not really play at all for a month or two. That makes me wonder: Is the price of a PS3 really worth it if I am not ging to be playing a whole lot of games? I am not really sure. I continue to mull it over in my mind, but have never really come to adefinite conclusion. If I did get a PS3, it would probably be for Christmas (with my Parents paying a $100, and me paying the other $200). So, I guess I have another couple months to think it overbefoe Imake a decision. What do you guys think? Any input is greatly appreciated.With that about wrapped up, lets move on to the next topic.

Internet Woes

Well, I haven't been on lately because our internet was out. Fried router, oh joy. Anyways, just got it back tonight, so I decided to tell you all what was up. I have alot I want to blog about, but I have to pack for a camp I am going to this weekend. I will just run over some topics I am going to blog on in the near future (if school will let up for a single minute, lol).

- Me considering PS3? Unlikely, but possible.

-How will Nintendo follow up on the success of the DS and Wii? Wii HD?

-What in the world does Xanadu mean?

-What can we expect from the last guardian?

-Is mega64 the funniest youtube channel ever? Probably.

-Am I the only one who loves Ramen noodles? (ok, so I am not blogging on that)

-And much more that my School-fried brain can't recall.

Oh yah, might make a video of me playing my Ocarina. Those are real fun. Anyways, got to pack, so talk to you guys on Sunday or Monday. :D

It is so!!!

You may remember my last blog, entitled "Could it be???". This blog covered the fact that Capcom filed for the rights to the name "Okamiden", which hints at some sort of sequel. Well, it is so.


I don't know why I never thought of it, but the DS is perfect! Imagine drawing with a stylus, even better than the Wii paint brush system! I have high hopes for this, Okami deserves to live on, and Capcom deserves to succeed with this game. Lets all cross our fingers! Oh, but don't hold your breath, as it isn't do out in The Pan for another year, so we won't see it state-side for at least two years. Oh well, certainly worth the wait. :)

Could it be???

Could the one of the best adventure games besides Legend of Zelda be getting a sequel? As anyone who has played it knows, Okami is a stunning and fantastic game. The game is beautiful to look at, beautiful to hear, and just plain funny. So, could this be true?


My initial thoughts are, "YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!". But, then again, there could also be a chance that they screw it up, making a sub par game to milk the last drops form the cash cow. But, for now, I wil stick with the first one. YESSSSSSSSSS!!! To anyone who has never played ok, you are shooting yourself in the foot. Okami is one of the most refreshing games I have played in a long time. Puzzles (albeit not quite as hard as Legend of Zelda), action, beautiful artwork, amazing music, hilarious dialogue, very long story; this game has got it all. Anyone who owns a Wii owes it to themselves to be this master-peice.

And thanks to Asian Pride for bringing this article to my attention.

Fed up with Shovel-ware...

Check this out:


This is disgusting, look at those P.O.S graphics. Goodness! Here were my comments:

"I agree with you guys, I own a Wii and have seen some games with great graphics. In fact, the Wii has greater graphics capabilities than the original Xbox. This game will probably join the pile of sub standard games us Wii owners have to put up with. I am sick and tired of shovel-ware. We need more people like HVS to take us seriously."

"I like driving games with the wiimote, Prostreet was alot of fun. But looking at these videos, I want to wipe my butt with these graphics. Seriously, did they even try? I mean, my gamecube need for speed games looked much better. Will their be online? That would be sweet.

Anyways, I hope for the best, but looking at this (and hearing those terrible, DS quality car sounds), I am not expecting much."

My friends are trying to get me to buy an Xbox360. I really don't want one that badly, but the lack of quality games on the Wii is sickening. The 360 becomes more appealing evrytimea new exercising game is released...

Judgment has come!


Scroll down to see that a new pokemon movie has been announced! It will feature Arceus, the beast-mode pokemon. I can't wait! One of the lines is, "Judgment has come!" That takes second place for the greatest pokemon line ever. Can anybody guess what the best is? Winner gets a pat on the back (but you have to do it yourself) :D

Also, if you scroll even farther down, that website has some awesome pokemon cards pictures. There is a Lucario card I MUST have.

Anyways, guess that is all for now, well, no wait. I just wanted to thank you guys for reading my mindless ramblings, er, blogs. I really appreciate it, and try to read all your blogs as well!

Also, thanks to SonicTrainer for the link to the website.