This is one of the hottest, messiest articles I've ever read.
This game isn't supposed to be a portrayal of some idealistic, all-inclusive, gender-neutral future nirvana where everybody cares about everybody. It's a STORY - a story told by the writers that primarily features YOUR SHEPARD. You make your character, and Bioware gives you that agency.
Stop pushing your own pearl-clutching, hand-wringing ideals of "democracy" and "fairness" on everybody else. This article should've gotten confined to a personal blog, and should NEVER have been given airtime on a major site.
@Atzenkiller: Thank you. That was one of the best explainings of why ME3's multiplayer was (not only acceptable and not evil), but actually a FANTASTIC example of how to DO a multiplayer aspect with MT and yet keep it CIVIL.
@screamingsatori: Yep - I think by now it has been displayed that it is not necessarily EA that is at fault in the bigger picture here. Yes they may press for dumb sh*t like live services and microtransactions - but to be honest if the game rocks nobody cares if those things are there or not. BIOWARE are the reason that their games lately are poorly written studies in wokeness with characters that belong in a French farce.
@Thanatos2k: Congrats on the most pertinent comment here. Couldn't agree more. Anthem was the game nobody asked for from the studio who nobody goes to for this type of thing.
I can't quite remember.......there's some phrase that applies here that I can't quite put my finger on. But I know it involves the words "late", "too" and "little."
VakarianGirl's comments