You see.......I came here expecting a GAME review. Not a review of stealth mechanics, damage direction, enemy detection etc. It's like they for a Tetris fan to review Hellblade.
The reviewer should be ashamed of himself. And he should delete this junk and hand the story over to someone who actually CARES about the TR franchise. That's all.
"Explosive missions"......WTF does that even mean?? Now they're just throwing word-salad out there.
Also - is it me or does every single one of the "character interaction" grabs in there look tacked-on? That lady with the weird headpiece......she was so low-res it was really worrying. I seriously don't think that they had ANY story-based ANYTHING in there until there was an outcry from their fanbase.
No preorders. This 'trailer' is nothing more than junk voiced over by some woman who doesn't even know an Xbox from a Playstation.....that just gives us more of the same schtick that we've already seen about this game. It is a Destiny reskin.
No - the reason Andromeda crashed and burned so hard was that it was such a catastrophically awful GAME......the demo just gave people a preview of how hard it sucked so they could cancel their pre-orders.
@asnakeneverdies: I did, and I enjoyed it. I vastly prefer third person on everything when it is selectable. No need to roll your eyes.....I had a great time!! :)
VakarianGirl's comments