Yup - Dino-Rides were where it was at for sure. I absolutely loved those things - to the point of obsession. Still have the toys in storage (minus the boxes, unfortunately). Hoping that they'll be worth something eventually.
@asnakeneverdies: Yeah I didn't even watch the video TBH. I read the review until my eyes glazed over at the a$$holery, and then went on over to IGN. :-) Have a good one Snake!
@asnakeneverdies: Dead on Snake. A game should be reviewed as a whole ecosystem and how well in its entirety it represents the genre it belongs to. This one was the most unfair and unnecessarily negative I've seen in a long time.
@Mogan: No, I'm disgusted that they set this reviewer upon the game at all. Every game is graded on a scale of how well it represents the particular genre of game it belongs to. This reviewer was sent to review an action-adventure-fantasy game and did practically nothing but nitpick about how "inadequate" the stealth system was.
That is 110% like me reviewing Tetris on how good its branching storyline is. Completely obtuse. This review is invalid.
VakarianGirl's comments