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#1 VauxhalI
Member since 2007 • 909 Posts

The two Zelda games for the DS are pretty miserable.

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#2 VauxhalI
Member since 2007 • 909 Posts

If you want adventure games and platformers go with the N64. If you want RPGs and games with depth then go with the Ps1.

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#3 VauxhalI
Member since 2007 • 909 Posts

I blame the Dragon Quest series. Developers see that you don't need any innovation and just stick to tired, tried-and-true mechanics for the Japanese audience.

Combine that with Japan's obsession in making weird looking humanoid beings with their boys and girls, and you've got a recipe for disaster with most people having different tastes than Japan's society.


I think you're going to be suprised when Dragon Quest IX hits the shelves.

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#4 VauxhalI
Member since 2007 • 909 Posts

I can't really name a bunch of things that Sony has ever done right, but I can name many things they've done wrong.

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#5 VauxhalI
Member since 2007 • 909 Posts

I got suspened for a week for making a thread like this. I demand justice.

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#6 VauxhalI
Member since 2007 • 909 Posts

I'm not aware of any X360 game that isn't a first-person shooter. Maybe you should get an older console?

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#7 VauxhalI
Member since 2007 • 909 Posts

well you must consider these factors as well

when most people buy consoles that come with games they dont buy one until they need or want to

or 2 people just buying a black wii who already has games

and 3 wii games sell over time ,not in the abundance npd tracks for sales records , plus you do got used games, which doesnt count toward tha t number

half of the games a person may have wanted isnt in circulation no ,more there for they go to pawns or gamestop ,,

i know i buy wii games heck most of my game collection from this gen is wii and 360 and ds,

with about 34 or so ps3 games , and 22 psp games ,

so ya um i think its the fact wii comes packed in with games already that people will most likelyplay them first then go out to get a new one i remember when i was little that was what i had to do before i d get a new one it wasnt like now where i can buy as i please ,

wed have 1 console at least -before psx era at least

and wed get to choose a game we all wanted to play , except some times where i got a game and my sister choose tmnt i choose super mariokart ,

either way it was like this until i got into middle school ,, i became the main player , ,

with games like nfs hot pursuit and goldeneye around , no better time to grab 4 n64 controllers each a different color to -i had a blue one ,my sister picked a yellow my aunt picked a green and my mom or tyhe other 4 player gotthe grey that came with it

so ya , , now i got 6 controllers 2 blue 1 grey 1 purple 1 green 1 gold so ya ,

those were the days right now you hardly get a choice of color

if i did at wii launch i probably got all colors available , 1 of each at least 1 black 2 blue and the white standard one that came with it

so ya , ,if my remotes break im gonna do that im gonna get a blue one ,

i have over 140 games already on my wii thats including dl games,

thats the same number about as i have for snes games , and i m just about done with collecting them ,xcept a few ineed to find of course



I've had my Wii for a week or so now and I've only turned it on a few times. I think I may be starting to regret my purchase.

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#8 VauxhalI
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Funny, just a few days ago I read an article on the Huffington Post that said they don't raise your intelligence at all. I guess they can help reinforce things you already know, but that's about it.

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#9 VauxhalI
Member since 2007 • 909 Posts

Dragon Quest IX.

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#10 VauxhalI
Member since 2007 • 909 Posts


[QUOTE="Indextic"] Sales speak not the minds of true gamers.Indextic

True gamers? Is this some fantasy novel or something? "True gamers" or whatever don't matter.

Sales speak to the companies. They respond to sales. If the sales are pointing in the direction of "we should make more internet only multiplayer games because they will make us more money and people seem to be buying a lot of them" then that's the direction the companies are going to take. People still buy them up, and video games companies won't change the formula until people stop buying these terrible games in bulk.

True gamers being pretty much anyone who isn't someone who plays Call of Duty and Halo and nothing else. I'm not trying to be elitist about anything, but those people rather annoy me when they claim to be a gamer. The sales don't truly speak what the gamers want, though. Rather, they speak what game is promoted and hyped the most.

Well, yeah. I agree with you for the most part, but sales are sales. It doesn't really matter what we (people who don't gobble up Call of Duty/Killzone/Halo games) want. It's really unfair, but that's how capitalism works. In truth, I'm pretty sure we are the minority in the gaming community after looking at the sales of games like Modern Warfare 2 and how well it's 15.00$ map pack sold. I guess the only thing would could do is systematically assassinate head Activision employees (disclaimer: I know it's hard for Gamespot mods to detect sarcasm, so I'll just let them know: that was sarcasm. I'm not advocating murder. Don't suspend me).