@Jaykray Assumptions, I love them. You don't know my gender, age, race, or any of my background for that matter.
As I said before, their is a lot of hate crime in GTA V. To only focus on the women directed hate, considering that a negative, and ignoring the other forms of hate on that game is criminal.
@juliano001 All kinds of hate on that game, not just women related hate. Ignoring all of it and only focusing on the women is what rubbed me the wrong way.
@thekdawg21 “The great mistake is to anticipate the outcome of the engagement; you ought not to be thinking of whether it ends in victory or defeat. Let nature take its course, and your tools will strike at the right moment.”
@jazzycmk I get written hate messages on Xbox Live all the time. It's gotten to the point where I count them as positive feedback. My session doesn't feel accomplished until I receive at least one.
@BuBsay Agreed, but I still think that all portions of the review have a right to be discussed. As long as I wasn't personally attacking her, I didn't see their need to delete my comments. The only conclusion I could draw is the one I stated above.
VeeArSick's comments