@95164 they already talked about that... last week Greenberg said this wasn't about games it was about introducing the console... they even tell you from the start
@Wytsfs @Smokescreened84 I love my niche gaming like Theif series and the Deus Ex series just as much as the next person, but the fact is that even most of those were made for guys and if some girls liked it that's great. At this point in my life I could care less who or what the character is that I'm controlling as long as the game plays well and there is a good story. Empowering women is overrated... you want more female touch then goto school and get in the industry that's the only way it's going to happen.
@Smokescreened84 @Vegeta-sama No catering the main fanbase is what has made many of these people insanely rich... you have to try and bring others in, but the reality is that it's still Men who are considered defenders and protectors...
The future is in pulling in women though and they should really try and get things figured out... as for "alternate lifestyles" they are something that should be mostly optional
@Smokescreened84 as an option that's great, but developers still have to cater to the main fanbase... they can hit both if they are able to get the combination right like Lara Croft has done... especially in this latest one...
The job is the make a game that makes money. Making a character that is appealing to a wide audience will get you that... creating a great branching story line is the only way to really incorporate alternate lifestyles without alienating the fan base... although a horrible ending will do more to lose your fans then having your main character come out of the closet.
Vegeta-sama's comments