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Venom_Raptor Blog

Got a new TV!!

My previous TV started playing up over the past few weeks, and its condition was slowly getting worse each day I tried turning it on.

So yesterday I reserved a:

Bush 22 Inch Full HD 1080p Digital LCD TV

I picked it up today, and so far its really good, with a lot sharper picture than my previous 19 inch HD TV.

So... I'm Happy :D


Tomorrow, the first part of my next blog series will be up: "Top 10 Scariest Game Enemies" - PS3 edition. So be sure to check that out ;)


Thanks for reading, have a nice evening :)

Future blog series' in the works

Hey everyone!

If you missed my previous blog about Gamespot's message issues click here, it'll explain why you may not be receiving my messages, or me receiving yours. :)


Anyway, as the title suggests I have many blog series' in the works, I'm spending a lot of time on my top 100 movies series, which won't be up for a few months yet, as well as other series including Top 25 favourite songs, Top 10 favourite game weapons, and even Top 5 (or top 10, haven't decided) movie death scenes, as well as others! :D

I'm spending quite a bit of my time analysing movies and games to make these blogs as good and enjoyable as I can possibly make them, so thats what I have ready for you guys in the near future :)

Thanks for reading,

- Scott :)

Message problems

My messaging system is a bit of pain lately, and sometimes when I send messages, people aren't receiving them, and the same ocassionally occurs if you send me one, either private message or the @username message.

I've posted on the technical support forum, and they said there has been some problems occuring lately since they done some updates on the site, they thought the problem had been solved a few weeks ago, but apparently some people are still encountering issues.

So if you send me a message, and you think I'm being rude, please forgive me, but its the messaging system playing up, and I'm not getting the message, and the same if you ask me a question and you don't receive my answer. So don't think I'm ignoring you, I'd never do that, but Gamespot is just suffering with some technical difficulties lately, unfortunately. :)

Top 10 Most Violent PS3 games - Number 1!

Hey everybody, many thanks to the people who've commented on this blog series thus far, here is my choice for most violent PS3 game. :)


#1 - Aliens vs Predator

I'm sure many of you have seen Ridley Scott's 1979 sci-fi horror 'Alien'? And then John McTiernan's ultra-brutal sci-fi thriller 'Predator' 8 years later? Each of these movies depicts 2 completely different alien species hunting their prey one by one, picking off each and every person with chilling skill and precision. Well the 2010 video game lets you be both of these aliens from a first-person perspective, giving you complete control of who dies in what order, and how you go about doing it as stealthily and brutally as you can.

There are 3 campaigns: Predator, Alien and Marine. The Marine campaign is the least entertaining, and of course, the less bloody. The reason for this choice as number 1, is because of the brutal and truly gruesome kill moves you can perform on unsuspecting enemies from behind or in front with each alien. With Predator, you can actually physically rip the spine out of a human for trophies, impale people with your wristblades, rip out their throat with your blades, and many, many more variations which are certainly the highlight of this sporadically problematic First-Person shooter. But Predator, as you know from the movies, is a devastatingly skillful alien soldier with all sorts of unique weapons in his armory. You have the plasma cannon mounted on his shoulder, which will explode enemies, you have the spear which can pin enemies to walls, and you have his sharp and famous wristblades to hack and slash at fleshy foes.

The Alien campaign consists also of stealth, but obviously, you are limited to just your physique as a weapon, and therefore need to get right up close to enemies to get kill moves. As Alien you can impale soldiers with your tail, and watch as it goes in their spine, and then right out the opponents mouth, stab them with your tail right in the face puncturing eye balls, claw throats out, and the most famous - The mouth bite, which hovers to an inside-of-the-mouth view, before biting a chunk out of the head. All the deaths are extremely violent, and you'll never see a movie with these graphic kill moves in sadly (we can hope :D ) but just being in control of two of the most famous alien antagonists is a real joy.

Here's a video I found with many different kill moves from Alien and Predator - Enjoy! :D


Well thats the end of this blog series, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it :)

Top 10 Most Violent PS3 games Part 3

Hey everyone, its been a long time coming, but here are my next 3 choices to my list :)


If you missed Part 1 click here

If you missed Part 2 click here


#4 - Dark Sector

Surprised by this choice so far up the list? All will be explained now.

While Dark Sector at many glances isn't the gore-filled game you'd expect, its the brutality of the violence you can inflict that has such an impact, and the sound effects do a tremendous job to of captivating the cruelty in it. You have a 3 pronged blade (The Glaive) growing out of your hand, and with this you can launch it at enemies and dismember them in many sadistic ways, while your boomerang-like weapon will come back to you, and allow you to toss it at more helpless enemies before none stand in your way. You can throw it whenever you want, and the impact of the violence is highly enhanced by the screams of agony from enemies. When you use aftertouch to make the Glaive go in slow motion through the air with you controlling it, you'll hear the terrified panic of enemies desperate to evade it. Then you can chop off a limb and see them rolling in agony on the floor because of a severed leg or arm. Its truly brutal and bloodthirsty to be in control of such a devastatingly sharp weapon, and its damn fun too! :D You can also perform finishing moves up close to dispatch foes, all in gruelling fashion.

Want to see limbs dismembered and heads roll? Click here then :D


#3 - Fallout 3

Theres no question that Fallout 3 is one of the most violent and gory games ever produced, and the VATS system provides a helping hand in targeting specific body parts to damage or explode. Sometimes limbs will simply be dismembered from an enemy, whereas a critical hit will completely destroy the limb, with extremely graphic bloody results (as seen in picture above). VATS enters slow motion when you have chosen what limbs you want to hit, and then a cinematic cutscene showcases what you chose. From sniper rifles to shotguns, Fallout 3 is such a violent game that is well worth playing ;)

Blood and guts gameplay compilation:D


#2 - Condemned 2

Condemned 2 is another one of those games that doesn't contain buckets of blood, but the brutality of the possibilities is no doubt vicious and frequent. From gory forensic scenes involving heavily mutilated corpses, to the main gameplay, Condemned 2 will almost take you to hell and back in some seriously violent scenarios that are trulydisturbing and nasty. You can pick up a variety of weapons in the environment and completely pummel enemies to death with them. If an enemy is in a nearly dead state, then you can finish them off with an environmental finisher. These are often gory and produce splatter effects that cover the screen. You can impale rioters on rebars, snap necks, and crush heads in large mechanical vices. Condemned 2 deserves this spot on my list and the video below will give you an indication why, if the information above wasn't convincing enough :P

One of the many brutal finishers you can do.


Well thats the next part done, hope you enjoyed reading it :)

Later guys 8)

Back to my top 10 list tomorrow

Hey everyone, sorry for that rather abrupt stop to my top 10 list blog and my inactivity over the last week, but the computer I was using just suddenly stopped working. It just shut down without warning and apparently has something to do with the main board inside.

So my parents bought a new laptop to replace it which I'm using now, since it would have taken about 2 weeks to get back working again.

Tomorrow I'll check out everyone's blogs and continue with my list, so I'll see you guys later.

- Scott :)

Top 10 Most Violent PS3 games - Part 2

Hey everyone, here's the next 3 games that I believe to be among the top violent PS3 games :)

If you missed the First part - Click here


#7 - Dead Space

Dead Space's gameplay deliberately focuses on dismemberment tactics to halt the necromorphs. The USG Ishimura is covered in blood and guts on the inside, and with the gory imagery, Civilians turning insane and therefore commiting suicide to escape turning into the aliens in many brutal ways, Dead Space is bloody from start to finish. If you die by the necromorphs you'll see yourself become split in half by sharp blades, mutilated and transformed into one or some other awesome variation of death with gore as the only result.

Check out some amazing dismemberment gameplay :D


#6 - Prototype

As Alex Mercer, you are the Prototype, and are the most dangerous being on the planet. With cool abilities allowing you turn your body into weapons, and then the open world of New York to cause extreme amounts of destruction, you can use claws, blades, and whatever other transformations you've unlocked to slaughter anyone in your sight. Slice up random pedestrians vertically or diagonally, impale enemies in a wall of spikes, or implode helpless people with tentacles. Its extremely violent, and its no wonder why it attracted controversy, but still, its extremely fun and will certainly satisfy anyone with a thirst for blood. :D

Here's a gore session video showcasing Alex's abilities on pedestrians :P


#5 - God of War 3

Guess what happens next? :P

God of War 3 see's Kratos on his path of vengeance, and on the way, he'll show just how angry he is. Frequent and Bloody hack n' slash gameplay, combined with some truly awesome moves to execute,and probably the goriest parts of the game, are finishing moves on nearly-defeated enemies. Following the on-screen prompts will allow you to virtually tear huge beasts apart or dismember them, and the results are quite sadistic. But.. gore is awesome, so who cares how violent it is! :D

Kratos vs Cyclops -Who will win? ;)


Thanks for reading :)

Top 10 Most Violent PS3 games - Part 1

Well, here's the first part of my next top 10 list, consisting ofmy opinions on the most violent PS3 games currently out. Hope you like it.


#10 - Grand Theft Auto IV

Though there is no explicit gore, Grand Theft Auto's long running series still packs a punch with its frequent amount of violence, and the freedom you have to execute your path through everyone in your way is really something that draws attention to it. GTA IV is no different, though being on the PS3, the violence will undoubtably have a much bigger impact. Solid gunplay with spurts of blood are frequent during shootouts, and with realistic physics, you can sadistically mow down anyone when ina vehicle. You can shoot civilians and start war with the police, precisely target legs to slow down foes, and make headshots awesome to witness.

Here's a video I found showcasing some random examples of the violence you can cause. :D


#9 - X-Men Origins: Wolverine

This is what the movie should have been. :P You play as Wolverine, and with his sharp blades protruding from his knuckles, you can dismember and slice apart enemies complete with plenty of gore. Cutscenes also contain plenty of over-the-top violence, with one such scene seeing Wolverine jump onto a helicopter, grab the pilot, and hold him up to be beheaded by the rotating blades. Gruesome, but always enjoyable!

Here's a gore montage video worth watching :P


#8 - Saw

Ever wanted to get that Reverse Bear trap from the movies on your head? If you play Saw, you'll literally be in that position. Fail, and your characters jaw becomes permanently ripped open with gruesome effects! Saw the video game is very violent and full of grisly imagery, from victims being stuck in vicious looking traps, to you yourself having to burn your flesh in acid to grab a much needed key, Saw doesn't hold back on the gory details that make the movies so popular.

If you don't mind spoilers or simply don't want to play the game, check out all the death scenes from Saw :D


Well, thats the first part of my list, thanks for reading :)

1 lesson down, god-knows-how-many-more left to go

Well, I got the first lesson out the way, and it went alright. :)

The build-up to it is what I hated the most, I had such a nervous stomach ache I almost felt ill :? But once I met the woman instructor (fortunately she was nice and friendly... and patient) I started to relax a little. I done the lesson just up my road which wasn't too bad considering I know the area, and the lesson consisted of just getting to know all the pedals, and what everything does.

But then the bit I was not looking forward to arrived - having to actually drive. I was thinking to myself that I just can't do this, and the amount of information you have to keep in mind was unbelievable. I didn't realise how complicated it all was, especially when I see my Dad or Mum drive, it looks so easy, but not when you haven't done it before. Sometimes I was trying to focus on timing when to release an press the clutch pedal that I'd briefly forget steering... but only briefly... I didn't manage to ruin anyone's day :P

It lasted an hour, and for the next lesson on Monday, I'll feel a little more confident in myself (I only stalled the car once!), and so yeah.. I got it over and done with :)

1st driving lesson

Tomorrow morning at 10am I have my very first driving lesson, and I'm extremely nervous. :(

I lack a lot of confidence, so I have to say I'm certainly not looking forward to tomorrow. Its only an hour, but I'm sure it will seem like much more. What I worry about the most is changing gear, it just seems really fiddly from what I've seen when my Dad's been driving, but as its a first lesson I'm sure I won't have to think about too much.

Anyway, just thought I'd let you know, and hopefully I'll survive to tell the tale tomorrow evening.:P