I'll pay the higher game price as long as it's worth it. AC2 I bought and is well worth the money. The other 2 are not worth it for ME, so I'll buy them when they hit the bargain bin, maybe.
why would they change the game style so drastically? im all for games evolving with each installment but to lose the very essence of what made the series so popular (i.e. stealth) in favour of all out action just seems bizarre
Some don't mind the more actiony go from cover to cover type gameplay this game has switched to. To me it is no longer a Splinter Cell game, its faster paced and simplified.
But sure if you don't like adventure or strategy games and RTSs, I guess it wouldn't be a good year for you.
This seems to be the issue, never even heard of many of the games being listed in this thread. LOL. Also, not so sure Portal2 and Crysis 2 will be out this year.
Seems there isn't much to look forward too this year on PC. March was it.
Mafia2 and Dead Rising 2 are the only two that could be worthwhile. Ghost Recon, Alpha Protcol, Conviction, Just Cause2, Blur, KaneLynch, etc all look to be mediocre, fairly dumbed down ports.
I have dl and played the JC2 demo and found it rather repetitive pretty quickly. High level of autoaiming, crappy mouse deceleration control and tight field of view didn't help me like it any either. Saboteur looks visually crappier and slower paced but seems more intelligent gameplay wise; not just stupid, senseless chaos all the time like JC2. I see zero stealth gameplay in JC2 but there is in Saboteur, correct? Sucks there is no Saboteur demo.
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