I liked it a lot too. No clue if there is a 2nd on the way but if there is, the game better step up the graphics, environment interactivity and physics several notches.
This game is outstanding! Leaps and bounds better than the first one. Its more like GTA now with all the many different side missions and activities you can do in between the main mission. I'm 26% done and have 13 hours logged so far according to the game, I can see an easy 40 hours for this game.
Then the game you want is AC2 and not the first. Trust me on that. Get the second, finish it and if you want more get the first. AC1 is not even nearly as good as it poses to be.
Agreed. 2nd one is the far better game. Just Google and read the backstory of AC1 to get up to speed.
Great game so far. Much improved over the 1st one by about 1000 miles. Mouse and keyboard support is horrible in this game. Story holding strong.
Graphics are kinda meh. Not great but not bad either. I see some sort of distracting weird shadow lines being rendered constantly as I get closer or farther away from objects and walls. Hey, at least antialiasing works.
The game has some issues with auto aiming always being on and mouse control is a bit whack. Even if they fixed those 2 annoyances I still wouldn't buy it. Plays nearly exactly like Mercenaries and the view looks too zoomed in all the time. The game runs great, looks great but actual gameplay is very over the top typical console fan fair. The demo got old and shallow after the 30 min even.
Yeah, just finished the demo also. This is a game that sports a bunch of fun potential but has a lot of left over console traits which most have mentioned already that should NOT AT ALL be in our PC game version. Stupid game makers. :evil:
Sure this game is very pretty but it really is very much a Mercinaries 2 clone and gets old quickly too. I'll stick with Prototype or GTA4 for my chaos action fix when needed.
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