Makes no sense, if the DRM is cracked, how come we don't have AC2 out on the illegal scene then? Only some lame Russian iso. I'm not convinced the DRM is cracked.
Major thread necro, is this game dead or what? Sure Boiling Point had tons of issues before all the patches but it was a very fresh type of game, would really like to see its sequel come to life still.
Would you recommend hummer 4x4, I had a look at some youtube videos and it makes the game look a bit like an arcade game. What do you think of it if you compared it to Motorm4x in terms of realism? Might seem a bit stupid to ask, does it have any other vehicle makes to choose from? Does it support xbox game pads? Thanks dudes.Sadamto
MotorM4x and Hummer are very similar games. Neither has great realism and I don't call MotorM4x a sim either. I'd pretty call it a tie as to which of the 3 games I liked best, each are sim'ish with some arcade in it so its not overly frustrating. Biggest strong point of M4x are the graphics. Yes, there are many 'trucks' in the game. Saab, Chevy, Hummer, GMC and Cadillac. Not sure on xbox pad but I know I easily programmed my Rumblepad2 in the game.
The game must be cheap by now, especially UAZ 4x4. Tons of game play in Hummer and UAZ.
Lot of Stalker is about the initial struggle to survive. CoP is kind of dumbed down and much easier than SoC and CS in that it is not that hard in the beginning 1/2 of the game.
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