It's really no major loss. The latest demo is very average and did not inspire me at all to even rent it on console. Reminds me to much of simply another Gears of War.
This game is still runs like a pig, it's all about reducing settings to get it to run well. Great, fun game but only worth a purchase about a year from now when its dirt cheap and one owns a new PC that can make it scream.
Got it at Best Buy yesterday but Gamestop, where I preordered the game weeks ago, did NOT have it. Stupid Gamestop, what's the point of a preorder if it doesn't get shipped stat. Canceled preorder, not going to spend my money there very often any more.
The game is very good indeed and I'm enjoying it but I wish we had the days of old where you could pick what mode you wanted to play in SIM or ARCADE. The center pivot car handling leaves much to be desired.
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