@ikbenhomer It was probably developed for Ps3 and Xbox, and just got some physics and graphics added for Ps4/X1. Which would mean those zones we can explore that large vast... are probably not really that big, creature's will be limited instead of swarming out,.. etc etc.
Well, its what worries me about the game, aside from the "become a legend" kids stuff they're trying to selling for the campaign. Not to mention the whole moon thing.... they were hiding in the moon this whole time!!.
In the least im hoping for really great multiplayer, the likes that were found in Halo 1-3. The space magic seems OP... so not sure on this mode either.
I should be in the beta, which will be really nice. The game is all going to be laid out to see before even buying it, something that is a giant miss from demo's and such. Of course, like D3, a demo doesn't show much as they pretty much use to... well D3 is a special case of really fking it up.
Come on Watch Dogs, Destiny, The Division... make me brush the dust off my ps4.
OHHH, fk this was about shitbox the all media console instead of being a gaming console that lost a large amount of its fans. Good luck turning things around XBoned.
RoS, brought something great with Act5, i found it just it all appealing. Adventure Mode... .. yeah i was going crazy with that linear kids story with terrifying demons that i would sacrifice a box of kittens to have them not say a SINGLE GOD DAMN WORD anymore. Sadly, the games handle on loot is still barely even there, crafting, drops, itemization.... fking anything to do with items seems to me to have barely any thought put into it. Well, D3 might be something worth more then a boredom killer after another 2 expansions. IMO, they should have just made Diablo 4 with all the time that has passed by(could have been at least a 1/3 of the way done).
Really, its suppose to be a game about loot, challenges, and trying to keep things from getting repetitive, D3 really fails at it all. Its got a messed up itemization and drop rates and account bound BS!. Monster abilities are not challenge.. simply more like cheating, I probably won't play HC for that reason and I cause I want to play how i want... and not turn into a turtle. The story IS SOooOoooOoo DAMN LINEAR!!!, everything is basically always the same.
Adventure mode is decent, bounty hunting sadly has you hunting in story mode(but your party can split up and go to any act and hunt, with all way-point's unlocked. Nephalem Rifts can use a story map(unless i got confused when bounty hunting) but do have random maps, some can be pretty big and filled with creatures and elites... others can be really pathetic. I would say Adventure mode doesn't really have a great reward system, but going through rifts is something different, even if the end boss fight seems to be easy.
D3 was a terrible mess and RoS simply wrapped it with scotch tape(didn't even use duck tape). Its move from 6/10 to a 6.5/10.
@arcari21 I don't think PS4 has gotten anything either. I'm hoping Watchdogs ends up great. The Division... geezzz i just want to see more and hear more about it, I hope Ubisoft goes all out on that game. Destiny will likely be fine for multiplayer, i fear the campaign will be bigger kids stuff then Diablo 3's shit and the open world won't really be that big. Also, that the game won't be next gen cause its also made for the old gen).
LOL, ppl complaining about average score. GS's reviews are normally off the mark by far, people flame and rage about those reviews but its not bs this time i guess. Well, GS's reviews are about as good as relying on a weather report 2 weeks down the road. If you want to really get a feel for the game you need check many opinions, and to bad nobody does demos anymore.
Titanfall is over hyped, its just some sort of carebear fps game. The majority of the game is filled with NPC's that you kill for farm to buy your Titan. There isn't really anything wrong with it, just that i wouldn't rate it with other competitive fps games. After years of buying those trash CoD games (mostly just stuff outside of modern warfare) its no wonder why people jumped on the Hype Train!.
Im, not sure what to rate the game, can we give it a 7-8 and put a teddy bear next to it?. :PP
Good for Arkham Knight, don't do multiplayer if its not going to be done well enough. I would love to see some co-op, but can see it ruining the experience, it would require a whole new batman game.
Vexov's comments