@Lykanthropie Rumor is the XB1 will get cheaper, but only if it drops is required Spy-cam. Don't know how else it would.
Yeah, when the PS4 hits the Asian market, it will out sell the XB there heavily.
MK8 will just have blue shells and that will kill it. Smash bros is probably going to be crap this time, and Nintendo doesn't do balancing patches.
Titanfall will be better on PC, even if they do nothing with graphics(which they could, and a significant amount at that). Consoles have more FPS gamers then PC does, but that won't really impact wait times for matches.
Titanfall does look nice, but it kicks itself with its casual farming of retarded NPC's. Really, the only thing appealing is the Mech battles, and its just not enough. The game should be 8-12 per team on regular sized maps and largest maps holding 16-24 per team(of course allowing a max amount of mechs at a time).
I really had hoped the PS4 would take a large lead, but 2 - 1 is even better. The X-bone is lucky to have spineless people that buy it for whatever reasons. If it were not for Sony, MS would have not 180'd on things and i'm sure things would be even worse. People that buy a XB are just telling companies that they will take w/e and pay w/e so long as they get their "fix".
Will XB catch up?, I don't think they will and they deserve not to. If the current line-up isn't enough for XB then the future won't do any better vs PS(so, throw in its 1080p and 60fps, and now the question is: if XB will do even worse).
@Coco_pierrot Hope, the 14year old that made me want to punch Square in the face for every min he was around when I played ff13. It wouldn't be a *** game or anime without some pathetic ZERO-EXPERIENCE kid that somehow keeps up to adults who are trained.
Same with Vahne in FF12..., i really want the fking kids gone from the FF series
Well, Lightning is nothing but a character giving to guys so they got a chicks ass to look at, she has no personality. There's is seriously just something wrong with it all, maybe they knew how shitty of games they were going to develop.. so they used a female main to attract those who would buy the game simply cause of her image. And look at this, now you can play dress up with her!.
FF15 is going to be garbage as well. Visuals is all Square can do any more, and even then they're likely to be weird futuristic *** style that makes no sense(because you got got some near basic weapons when there is floating... everything, The tech is so advance you should be wielding Hard-Light weapons are something.
And seriously, that high-five in that FF15 gameplay vid... wtf are you doing Square.
Square is just falling, i guess Nintendo will have a friend after it falls too.
The defending logic for Knuckles, has made me feel sick...
Knuckles is horrible looking. He doesn't need to look like he benches all day and chugs down protein drinks like its water .. or booze, to break stuff.
Im sure Zelda was good fun, but all i hear is everyone talking about how great Last of US is. I was hoping it would come out on PS4 in much better glory, thankfully Playstation Now isn't sounding bad at all and i'm likely able to play it from that.
GTA.... ..., its really not that impressive after like.. 10 games? I know its at GTA-V, but all the expansions and side games like China. All they ever do is a macho thing and make women just look like idiots, tools and fools in it.
Looks alright, too bad its not a big open world like Skyrim.... right?
Lol, using other games to try to describe what a game is like is alright, but using them to bash a game is just kind of lame. Its not going to stop, games will continue to rip another off. I guess we're doomed to hear endlessly that this game is just: "a WoW clone" "AC clone" etc etc etc.
Its much better developers use what is working then experiment and total fk up. They really do need to get creative, but that doesn't mean change the things that do work.
Vexov's comments