Sadly, Skyrim is poorly balanced and difficulties scale horribly. I don't finish games because they become boring through gameplay, story or just terribly unbalanced.
Currently i returned to that fking bs game that calls itself Diablo 3. That patch 2.0 has made it more playable, the campaign has remained the same "LINEAR! like that crappy FF13, among of pile of too many things to list". Reaper of Souls may just deliver D3 to a enjoyable and replayable state, at least for killing time. If you never bought D3, i would just pass and play PoE, but if you bought D3 its worth giving it some hours to see what has changed.
@tempertress @RicanV Cutie Jess and I both born on March 3rd, I could almost swear 1/2 my relatives were born in March. It was really weird to learn my cousins bf was born even on the same year and date ... possibly around the same time(not weird like in that "DOUBLE RAINBOW!!" way.)
Since people having mentioned D3, the 2.0 patch did make a big difference for loot. D3's reaper expansion will kind of bring the game into a place (as someone else said) to what D3 should of itself been at. For w/e reason they won't redo D3, but basicly with everything done its like saying they were wrong.
Vexov's comments