What FPS would you recommend from the past 3-5 years ago, and maybe even 10 years ago, and would it still be a good experience today?
If this game has several sequels/prequels already, would you recommend playing the first one first and go thru the second, then the third, etc?
Please include how long it will take to finish the game.
Games that I have played since acquiring nVIDIA GTX295:
Crysis (finished)
Crysis: Warhead (finished)
Hellgate: LONDON
Gears of War 1 (finished) (Is there a Gears of War 2 for PC?)
Red Faction: Guerilla (finished) (The only thing that sucked about this game is that I finished it, including the Bonus Missions. They should make tons of Bonus Missions for this game)
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