Ok, so I've been playing Hellgate:LONDON on my gaming rig (equipped with nVIDIA GTX295). I've played the Summoner at first.
Now, I couldn't help but play the other character types, starting with the Evoker, I've been playing all the character types ever since.
I can still remember the bugless performance I used to have when I first played with the Summoner. When in Green Park Station, I activated the Oracle and it was actually there, you can see the tiny demon walk over to Tech314 and laugh and jump onto his face.
As the Summoner, I entered Aldwych and found it dark. I eventually realized that the goggles that you get from Hunter Rorke acts as a head-mounted flashlight that lets you see in the pitch-dark of Aldwych.
As I continued playing this game over the weeks, I realized that it kinda started breaking down, starting with complete system hangups (the PC would freeze mid-game), then stations in the game won't load properly (like the Templar guards not loading, but you can see their weapons floating as if they were there). Eventually upon loading, you can see that certain parts of the station (guards just blinking with green squares making up their silhoutte, corridors not lighting properly, etc.)
As an Evoker, I went through the quest in Aldwych where you need to collect a fresh boil sample. Aldwych is dark. I tried using the goggles that Rorke gave me but it won't light up the place as it did when I played the Summoner weeks ago. Eventually I stopped trying to get frustrated by it and I just played through a pitch-dark Aldwych, using my Evoker skills to periodically light up the place.
I wanted to watch the intro, and found out that in mid-play, the video would momentarily hang and play again, this time with an echo of the dialogue. I scheduled my hardisks to be scanned by Vista upon next startup and since then this video playback issue went away.
*SPOILER WARNING* Despite these bugs, I still played. Currently I can't get enough Marksman action ever since I got the Arclight Cluster Rifle. Now as a Marksman, I'm in Aldwych about to get the fresh sample. Same problem, Aldwych is dark. The goggles won't work.
Other bugs, other than the frequent random system hang-ups and freezes in mid-game, another bug I encountered is back in Green Park Station, when the Oracle is activated, it doesn't appear at all. Recently, all I saw was the Oracle's name go over to 314's and that was that.
PS. I don't think my gaming rig has the problem, as I can actually play other games (like SUPREME COMMANDER: Forged Alliance, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl,) with full maxed out graphics.
VicGI's forum posts
I have the 1.69 critical rebuild...and yet it won't work in Vista???
You know, I can do that too. I can play it unpatched. I just have to settle for all 2D elements in the game to suck eggs. At least my vamp would be able to suck blood, speaking of sucking that is.
Then it must be the absence of the 1.69 critical rebuild patch in my gaming PC.
Did you try the 1.69 critical rebuild patch?
I forget...but I have applied the first two critical rebuilds. I can't say if I have applied 1.69, but if it is a 3rd critical rebuild, then I have not.
Worked fine on Vista for me without changing a single thing. Try the compatibility mode or run it as an administrator if you didn't try that already.
Yep I did try that.
This new topic is a continuation of http://www.gamespot.com/pages/forums/show_msgs.php?topic_id=27081515
I'd like to lock the above topic, but don't know how.
I did as I was told in the above link:
Stoutlad: Get We5ps latest unofficial patch. Without it, having 4 gigs of ram (for whatever reason) makes the game default to muddy textures like you are describing. It is a known issue that the patch will fix. You can find the patches here.
This is the sequence of what I did:
1. I installed the VTM -Bloodlines and copy my old 1.2 official patch saved games into it.
2. I applied the 1.2 official patch.
3. I load my latest saved game and I notice the low resolution of all 2D graphics in the game and post a new topic (see link above)
4. I get Wesp's latest unofficial patch from http://www.patches-scrolls.de/vampire_bloodlines.php as instructed.
5. I install said unofficial patch, choosing the Plus option over the Basic one.
6. I play the game and the graphics are way cooler now that even the 2D elements in the game are higher res.
7. I try stuff in the game, see the new things the unofficial patch has done.
8. I try to get my character to feed in the HUB areas of the game...lo and behold, you can't feed on any NPC, not even on rats!!!
Tried Visions of Death on NPCs and they don't die, whether they be humans or rats. But hysteria works.
And...get this...I can apply Mass Halucination on rats. I can't remember ever doing any discipline on rats.
9. I try playing a new game and is pleasantly surprised at the added new "history" options you can choose when creating your character.
10. I try feeding in the tutorial area of the game (which resembles the HUB areas, only I am not sure if it is a HUB area) and my character is able to feed on humans and rats.
11. I reinstall the unofficial patch, this time choosing the Basic option over the Plus, hoping that it would fix this issue. It doesn't.
How I can fix this new problems?
PS: In COMODO Forums, I was adviced to get http://rapidshare.com/files/70323348/ResPatch.zip if the unofficial patch did not solve the original "2D elements in game being muddled" issue.
Now that I have a new, "Can't feed on NPCs in HUB areas of game issue, not even on rats, among other issues." Maybe I should try the ResPatch.zip? I'd still like to try the latest Wesp unofficial patch though.
I just bought Neverwinter Nights Diamond as well. It runs well on my new PC so I'm not sure what the problem is. Your computer is more than good enough to play it. However, I am using XP. I would search around and see if the game is not running because of Vista, and if so, if there is a fix. Otherwise you may have to play it on your laptop.Ninja_Dog
It is because of Vista. That is certain. It is certain too, however, that Bioware stopped supporting it a long time ago.
Too bad for Bioware.
I just installed Neverwinter Nights Diamond in my gaming PC:
video card: nVIDIA GTX 295
OS: Vista 32bit Ultimate
Ram: 4GB, 3GB usable due to Vista being 32bit
It epic SUCKS...er fails, I mean.
I have used the 2 official patches, tried to run it, no go.
I tried to run it using Windows XP compatibility mode, with all sorts of compatibility options and combination of said options, to no avail.
In fact, I feel like I can only play this in an XP system...which is my laptop.
It would be nice to play it in my gaming PC. I am yet to finish all of it.
Any suggestions?
legal version I assume....? Don't know why you'd be seeing that, not sure if the unoffical patch will help there, I think when I first started playing this I wasn't using any of the unofficial patches, just the 1.2 patch, and it does not have those graphical errors, not sure what to tell you. You might try re-installing it if you haven't tried that, then just install the latest unofficial patch. (includes 1.2)Captain__Tripps
Ofcourse I have a legal version. But I will try to use the unofficial patch. Why is it unofficial and what exactly does it patch up?
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