@IAMTYLERDURDEN It wasn't a reboot of the story, it was a reboot of the gameplay. I would say personally that it was a huge improvement as I found the older games to be unplayable, except maybe Resident Evil Zero just because I liked the environments.
@IAMTYLERDURDEN Sure, I'm the one who's confused. He took a great game and pooped all over it because he is sad that it's not "super scary" like Resident Evil 1 (ha ha).
No, this guy was biased towards flaws, plain and simple. Let's look at what he thought was good. "Good voice acting and narrative structure." Wow, no mention of gameplay. The flaws. "Long QTEs" not really, "overemphasis on set piece events" ???, "constantly rips control from you" no it doesn't, "kills you with scripted events" that is actually completely true (only in Leon's campaign), you can get hit by scripted cars, and that's pretty obnoxious, but it hardly makes the game unplayable. And again, no mention of the combat system. STRANGE, HUH?
@Vince21C @IAMTYLERDURDEN Zombies could be scary, maybe, if done correctly. They went the action route because RE4 was a big success and they see no reason to backtrack.
@IAMTYLERDURDEN If it's not a reboot, why does it play completely differently? It is a sequel in number and storyline only. Basically, they asked a guy to make a sequel to Resident Evil, and he decided he didn't like the old ones so he made what he thought would be better, and he lucked out because it was a hit.
@IAMTYLERDURDEN It's his job to give an honest, unbiased, objective review of the good and bad qualities of the game, not to give his butthurt opinion of a game he went into with the preconceived notion that it would be terrible.
You're right, though, I'm free to ignore it, can't argue with that.
@Vince21C That is a bad excuse to give such a bad rating. Resident Evil's roots sucked! Silent Hill, another PS1 game, looked and controlled a lot better than Resident Evil. Resident Evil 6 is an action game as RE4 and RE5 were. It has not broken from its roots, which are essentially just RE4, the reboot of the series.
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