Vitro-Vivo's forum posts
It really couldn't have sunk any lower than its awful 06-07 period.
But now it has some decent exclusives under and with KZ2 on the way,cows seem to think its the Messiah of the gaming world.
The truth is that its still been a disappointment to many,and has a way to go to catch up with the 360,never mind the PS2.
Lemmings sure do like to bring up the PS2 a lot.
Funny they never mention how much the 360 has to catch up with it though.
[QUOTE="tek91"]Halo 3 5 million more sold and the #1 LIVE game played. The majority consumer feels Halo 3 was more worth their time and money then MGS4. ouch.
I don't think you realise I was using ranking scores not sale numbers I can care less about the majority of people the majority of people prefer a machine with imagine Babiez and some waggle control.
"Well then note that both are practically identical on gamerrankings and what sets them apart? Sales and popularity, something Halo 3 beats MGS4 in spades."
Why play the numbers game when 360 has more total A, AA, and AAA games then PS3? Its a loosing battle.
360 has more aa they dont have any aaaa and don't have more aaas especially now with the addition of Killzone 2 to the family.
I also think MGS 4 which is aaaa should count as 2 aaa
No even with KZ2 getting AAA thats only 3 PS3 AAA. 360 has at least 4 (GRAW, Forza 2, Halo 3, and Gears 2). Factor in the origional Gears of War AAA (not exclusive but also NOT on PS3) then 360 still has more A, AA, and AAA. One AAAA? cool. but that isnt everything, far from it.
Every week so far in the new year the 360 has outsold PS3 globally. not a good start at all.
Can you show me a link to this but it wouldn't surprise me seeing as PS3 is $400 and Xbox 360 is $199
"ummmm, thats Sonys fault and they should have planned accordingly. Dont make excuses for poor business decisions."
It is allready the hardcore choice that MS is moving on to get the casuals too. Lol Sony is still struggling to capture the core market lol. MS moved on, PS3 is still stuck.
If you mean hardcore as hardcore = shooters then yeah all the top games are shooters
360 has more then shooters as hardcore and if you checked out their catalogue, you wouldnt use that tired stereotype.
The Gears of War series and Halo Series, Left 4 Dead etc
PS3 has diversity as the top games MGS4 (Stealth), Little Big Planet(Platformer), Uncharted 1 & 2 (Action Adventure)
Those lists are nothing compared to 360s library. Its natural for the console with the bigger library to have more diversity per genre. So you loose there to overall.
So guess cows do care about sales. Cant wait till your #2 cant you? And stop with those lists...........ppl like you said lists like that in 2007 and 2008.......and your still last place.
Just for bragging rights
Yea you wnat me to stop with the list because the lists make you see what's better
You should stop with the lists cause they never propell the PS3 to levels that you desire...........thats why.
"and that's pretty pathetic considering 360 had a full year without any competition."
this is my favourite. Whats pathetic in my opinion is how ppl like you used to support the #1 console for the past two generations. Now.........your reduced to scratching and take #2 in the distant future. That kinda shows to me just how low the brand.....and its fanboys have fallen.
good day sir.
Ah so you're one of those "How low Sony has fallen" types.
Yeah, you're credible as a gamer.
I'm not sure. I think that the PS3 has a lot more fans in here now compared to a year ago. So I don't think it counts as being more respected.Devour2Survive
Wouldn't fans respect the console they're fans of?
Hmm, as I read this thread, I see more trolling Wii game hate. Not surprising at all. This game looks amazing, and I guess the fanboys/Wii bashers are jealous of its awesomeness.BioShockOwnz
Only one guy who says he doesn't like the 2D art style and you came up to that conclusion? Exaggerating much?
If Metal Gear Solid 4, Killzone 2, Little Big Planet, Resistance 1 and 2, Uncharted 1 and 2, God of War 3, Gran Turismo 5 is last place then last place must be the best place to be.tek91
Much better than first place.
[QUOTE="Vitro-Vivo"][QUOTE="darth-pyschosis"]nah, i still view my PS3, ironically, as the most non-gamer directed console this gen
i've still watched better and more BR movies on it than games (LBP, MGS4, R2, PJM are good but i mean, to me its been a slow ride)
look at the way ps3 is marketed, towards HD movies go'ers, HOME is a huge non-gamer ploy, a video rental service, and in 2008 we got R2, LBP from sony while on ps3, ps2, psp sony published 6 buzz games, and 8 singstars. i hate how people think casual aimed marketing is all bad, yes it bothers me sony doesn't care about the hardcore gamers and simply lets 3rd parties fill in the gaps, they have that luxury they made a good console tech wise and its playstation, i know they can do that, i just wish sony would focus more on not just giving us rehashed ratchet every year, and like 2 games with 10 casual games
i mean if MGS4 made it out in 2007, or was multiplatform i probably wouldn't touch my ps3, probably have a 360. fat princess looks good yes, rag doll kung fu too. but sony needs to step up their 1st party publishing coz it sucks right now on all they're platforms (especially psp, clank, patapon, and GOW in first 6 months of 2008, at least nintendo gave wario land, kirby superstar, animal crossing, wii music, a new handheld in fall 2008, sony published nothing for psp really june through decemember, ps3 had just R2)
i don't get how Nintendo is evil and destroying gaming by marketing wii music in 2008 to casuals, but sony releases 6 buzz games, 8 singstars, a video service, markets PS3 more as a BR player still than a game console, yet teases of ohhh, GT5 and GOW3 will be here eventually!!!!!!! how is that not putting casual gamers first to you casual haters?
its just a dumb double standard, theres no way around it at all. people can deny it, but its true. i mean 14 casual games over 1 in 2008, you know?
lol sheep
how? i just stated some things that bother me of the 5 consoles i own this gen? that makes me sheep?
so if i say, man i wish obama would make a stronger stance for gay rights, am i a republican by default coz i said something that bothers me about our president?
its funny, i said people would deny it, and all you had to say was lol sheep
so, you prove me right. so thank you. tell me which number is bigger 14 or 1?
I laughed because you said Sony doesn't care about hardcore games because they release Buzz and Singstar games.
Which is indeed funny considering the fact that Sony has been giving the PS3 a steady stream of first and second party quality games. Yeah sure they also make Buzz and Singstar games, but they don't present those games as their main event. Unlike Nintendo with Wii Fit and Wii Music.
Honestly sheep really have no place to criticise when it comes to quality games.
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