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#1 VladTheImpaler
Member since 2005 • 1028 Posts

[QUOTE="mingo123"]xbox 360 won 2009 as well?cobrax25

I predict that this game will probably be on the PS3 as well....but either way, its on the PC, so its not exclusive.

It never fails. Some PS3 fan always points out that games are also on the PC. Good for you, it is still not on the PS3.

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#2 VladTheImpaler
Member since 2005 • 1028 Posts
Gamespots reviews keep getting worse and worse. My friend and I were just saying that we have not had this much fun with Co-op since Gears. Great acheivements for this game also.
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#3 VladTheImpaler
Member since 2005 • 1028 Posts

[QUOTE="Arjdagr8"]thats wierd, ive been spending hours on my ps3 everyday since i got it last year. strange.Jhung207

Wow you must have beaten heavenly sword like 1500 times and Uncharted 1000 times. How's lair???

I was just about to make a similar post, but you took care of it.

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#4 VladTheImpaler
Member since 2005 • 1028 Posts

How can casual gaming be a threat? It's not like having more casual games will transform hardcore gamers to casual gamers. Non gamers will play non gamer games, casual gamers will play casual games, hardcore gamers will play hardcore games. Everybody's happy. There will always be a market for hardcore.

If anything, it's helping gaming because non gamers will turn to casuals and casuals will turn to hardcore.


If a developer can make a game for 2 to 5 million instead of 50 to 100 million, and still sell a bunch of copies at full price. Then it just makes good business to make the cheaper casual game. Most of the people that control the money to make games are not artists they are business men.

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#5 VladTheImpaler
Member since 2005 • 1028 Posts

PS3 has rumble, online games, just no gamerscore and I don't think that gamerscores arent that important


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#6 VladTheImpaler
Member since 2005 • 1028 Posts

I know the orange box was released a while ago but Im tired of people saying "the best deal in gaming ever" . Its too old games (half life 2 and episode one) + 3 short new games. TF2 is half the multiplayer of COD4 . Portal is 5 hours long and so is Episode 2.

Those are great games but ITS not worth 60 bucks. If it would have cost 40 bucks , then it would be the best deal ever.

MGS Essentials collection IS a better deal . 3 Epic games for 29 bucks.


Maybe you don't know much about game lengths, but most games are 6 to 9 hours long. Portal is almost that by itself. Also most of us have never played the other games because we did not have 5,000 dollar computers when they 1st came out.

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#8 VladTheImpaler
Member since 2005 • 1028 Posts

And it's funny to say that there's no HYPE over Killzone 2. Since the FALSE E3 2005 trailer, there's a hype...and now, when everybody knows Killzone 2 WON'T get the level of E3 2005 trailer, so the devs say "THERE'S NO HYPE OVER KILLZONE 2, KILLZONE 2 WILL BE A GOOD GAME , AS MANY OTHERS". It's more comfortable to think like that and that is a way to answer the "failure" of the final product, (in comparison with E3 trailer, about being the defitinive game pf PS3).


Honestly. I've started writing this reply three times, switching from angry flaming of the kind of mentality that draws people to wasting their lives making posts like the above, through into a factual listing of the many inaccuracies in your post (almost every word is, in fact, objectively incorrect). I've no idea what makes gamers turn so frigging nasty when Devs don't cater to their every whim and I'm not going to start guessing now - if you want to go be excited about Eight Days then be my guest. You're not commiting apostacy, nobody's going to want to tear you to pieces for it. You're really not going to hurt my feelings.

But really - how you can turn 'looks better than any other PS3 game in development (even Killzone 2!)' into Killzone 2 being a failure beggars belief. Is there only allowed to be one good game at once? When it is news that a game looks better than Killzone 2, I'd say that suggests that Killzone 2 looks pretty damn good.

The E3 2005 trailer was NOT false. One confused Sony rep claimed it was a movie from the game engine - one guy blizted out of his mind on fatigue, jetlag and the madness that is E3. One guy not at all affiliated with Guerrilla Games - probably with a head full of 30 different titles. Everyone else named the E3 2005 video for what it was - a target render of what we thought would be possible on the PS3. Something we would be aiming for.

Then, during E3 2007, in front of the majority of the gaming journalist press we released a trailer of Pre-Alpha code running and demonstrated a PLAYABLE Killzone 2 that stunned the industry. If you know me at all from watching me answer questions you know that I'm not prone to hyperbole in the slightest. The quotes coming from those sessions included 'jaw dropping', 'amazing', 'stunning' and 'a complete vindication'. Notwithstanding that, you decide that the E3 2007 sessions failed - a completely reversed opinion from just about everyone who saw it running or played it. What you say 'everybody' knows is something that almost nobody believes.

The truth is that NOBODY is releasing the definitive game of the PS3 only 3 years into it's lifespan. And no sane person would even try to release 'the definitive game' - because who knows what will make the definitive game definitive? The only shame here are whatever feelings made you decide to come in and post things that even you must know are untrue, simply in an attempt to score points and / or upset people.


Obviously he did hurt your feelings. That trailer did not "Stun the industry", but clearly had a profound effect on you. Also they did claim that that video was done in Engine. Last thing how stupid were those flying assault platforms, you could take a guy out with a rock on one of those things.

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#9 VladTheImpaler
Member since 2005 • 1028 Posts

Nice. I just hope that there will be no real hard achievement like the mile high achievement from Call of Duty 4.sna831

Are you being sarcastic about the Mile Hile Club Achievement?

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#10 VladTheImpaler
Member since 2005 • 1028 Posts

[QUOTE="dipper145"]Because all rockstar is about is GTA, even though I must say they aren't very good at making those games, its just theres a very limited amount of those type of sandbox games, and they happen to make the "best" ones.dooly420

Don't kid yourself. They are the originators of the sandbox genre. And you would say they aren't "very good" at making those games? please. There have been a number of knock-offs of GTA and you know it--Crackdown, TrueCrime, and Just Cause to name a few. Meanwhile the guys at Rockstar were making the GTA series under a rock unnoticed until GTAIII was released. A few years later, your knock-off games came out.

technically, it could be argued that GTA is a knock off of shenmue.

No, no you couldn't. Not if you now anything about games anyways.