Gaming was "casual" way before the wii going by your definition the ps1/ps2 casualized gaming.
Seriously though "casual: is such an overused term, the same effectiveness it had a day ago has been reduced greatly.
For the billionth time, those consoles had dozens of amazing games and were up to their time. Kidtendo Wii isnt, its way behind
not in the first year.
PSone and PS2 were both capable consoles and they showed it. Wii is behind the times, it simply cant catch up, now go enjoy your sales:lol:
I really wish that was true. I hate short, simple and/or easy games. However judging by the marketplace in 2007 most people wan't casual crap.Moreover if a company can sell more copies of some game that costs nothing to make on Wii. Why would they spend Millions to game that could not sell? From a business stand point it is not even a question. Hopefully enough of the people who make games will be visionariesinstead of Scrooge Mcduck swimming in their mountains of casual cash.
Ratchet and Clank was basically a PS2 game with fancy effects. Nothing new, nothing interesting with far crappier level design and inconsistent gameplay. It was also way too easy (although 12 year old cows probably saw that as a plus). The weapons were funny but there were too many of them and only a few of them were particularly useful.
Only cows and furries think ratchet and clank is better than mario, and their opinions are pretty much worthless
Yep that's right,I think R&C is better than SMG! But really I don't see whats so good about SMG.I beat it... and so far I have been having more fun with my new R&C.I don't think SMG deserved GOTY( but awell it did) theres nothing about it that makes it look better than other games.It's like Nintendo brain washed everyone but me lol.
What I'm really saying is you guys give SMG too much credit, it is really not that good. It's just another platformer, and everyone just think it's good because that **** Mario is in it.
BTW-If you say R&C:FTODsucksor floped or whatever(unless you just wanna have a nice talk and youcan tell why you don't like it)it's clear you never played the game, so I will just ignore your comment
Something for you to think about. What does you having more fun have to do with whether or not it is a better game? Just because I have a favorite sports team, doesn't automatically mean they are the best team in the league.
Seems pretty poor really. Especially after all the hype regarding the GPU.teh_cell
What are you talking about every single game is in at least 720p there is not even one exception. Moreover the xbox 360 upscales every game to 1080p. The ps3 only does that with movies not games.
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