Did you know that Resistance 2 has 8 player co-op?
And two story modes:)
And 40 player online. 8)
They could have gotten rid of all those things and made the graphics and Gameplay better. Honestly after all the Hype of Resistance 1, I was so disapointed in how crappy the game looked. I was expecting Gears quality.
Critisizing games for being too hard is just rediculous
It may be hard for them, but it doesn't mean it'll be hard for everyone.
Thank you. I have a freind who is 38 and he always tells me how hard a game is, then I play it and find out it is really just normal difficulty for me. Also that is why there is an EASY and sometimes VERY EASY settings on most games.
Does 360 & PS3 play standard DVD's and if so do they upscale?vaughan5
It is funny most of these facts people just gave you are wrong. The Ps3 upscales all dvd's to 1080p if you want it too. You have like 4 options: NORMAL; Double Scale;Full and Off. However the Ps3 does not upscale games to 1080p, but the xbox 360 does. The xbox 360 does not upscale Dvd's to 1080p.
call of duty 4, oblivion, rock band, and turok are all AAA (9+) on game rankings. burnout paradise and uncharted are a review or 2 away from being AAA as is ratchet. so that argument should be put to rest. all 3 games will get more reviews and at least 1 will end up AAA. and if a system has a AAA coming in 2008 then the PS3 will be it with GTA4, GT5, and MGS4.prodiqy32
I thought Rachet & Clank was a great game a so much fun, however it is like 50 reviews from a triple AAA. The fact alone that it got a 7.5 on gamespot stops it from being a AAA game.
So whats the deal no rumble in Turok it looks like none in the demo that's for sure.
Anyway it's not the rumble thing because i know that support is coming for most games this spring.
The real issue is you can not even come close to hitting precise accurate shots like you can on the 360 controller. The analog sticks on the PS2-3 controllers are a joke they don't have a smooth enough aiming sensitivity.
I know most of you know exactly what I'm talking about. You just can not hit precise head shots like you can with the much smoother more accurate 360 controller. I mean you can with the PS3 controller but you really have to work with it to do it. Meaning there is no slow sensitive points in the sticks like the 360 controller sticks.
this is why all multiplat shooters are being bought on 360 for me and so many many others i know this for sure.
I agree 100%. I thought there was something wrong with the controls in Resistance Fall of Man, it was the 1st shooter I played when I got my PS3. After playing a couple more first person shooters on PS3 I realized it was the controls not the game.
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