[QUOTE="Me_Ann"] got better graphics already(and for the next 4-5 years before next gen console hits), and can handle most type/genre of games? No Im not bashing the console but I figured most who makes good points are actually fanboys(albeit extreme), and here, more will reply...
Oh and easier connection/online capabilities. So is there even a point owning a console right now if one have a very good PC?
Well here is my opinion. I choose a console over the PC because I like it better. I don't care what anyone says, yes you can get good prices on PCs, and you get them cheaper by building your own, but you are still spending more money to play games on a pc. Not only that there are constant upgrades to hardware and software, and Ifix PCs everyday for my job and to be honest I just don't want to sit in front of one when I get home. I like the comfort of sitting back and just playing games on my tv. Not only that I know a lot more people that play on consoles then PCs. So just with those two facts I feel as though consoles are a better choice for me. Not say you can't sit back comfortably in a leather computer chair with a nasty setup on your computer, but I just don't have the patience nor the motivation to build a system to game on. I guess when all you do for 8 hours a day is repair computers, the last thing you want to do when you get home is play on one.
I agree. For people like me who just have an average knowledge of computers building one is out of the question. Please PC people, don't tell me that you can get an affordable PC that will play games like Crysis at their full potential because you can't. Yes you can get an affordable computer to play most games, however my xbox plays every game made for it without buying new parts or having to turning down the Graphical preformance.
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