I'm gonna resurect this post this weekend. I refuse to believe that we're the only ones that actually get tattoos inspired by the games we love. :)
lol I agree. We can't be the only ones...There are so many people on this site.My family gets onto me all the time about getting to many tattoo's (because I'm a girl I guess), but me and my dad actually have matching tattoos, and my mom got one as well. :P It's apperently something you love or you hate, TheGrayEye.
Yeah, I'm thinking about what my eighth will be. The one on my wrist is my only video game tattoo so I might do something Mario or Halo related but it would be small. If not that then I'll work on the arm piece I need to finish. No one in my family give my crap about my tattoos though. My mother did at first but that didn't last past #3. :) Two of my sisters have tattoos too though. I guess the shock has worn off. What are you thinking about getting next?
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