@zanza86: I think it is if you enjoy dual-analog shooters like I do. It's challenging and with a lot of replay value. Offers a lot for a game that's only around 300MB (I also like a lot it's cyberpunk setting)
Some people whining here really have me in awe. There were not so many complaints with Homefront or Wolfenstein: The New order. But here we touch a subject that is REAL; that religious extremism also happens in the west (and not only in Islam) and people looses their minds instantly.
Why do you feel attacked? why do you feel insulted? Did you feel yourself identified somehow?
But I guess when people believe that "all muslims are terrorists" they also provably want to believe that "Every Christian is a good guy"
So please, apply yourself some water in burnt area and repeat yourself the sentence that you provably use each time the media criticizes your favorite violent game: "It's just a game, chill out"
Game where you kill Arab terrorist = Relax, it's just a game! Game where you kill Nazis = Relax, it's just a game! Game where you kill Russians = Relax, it's just a game! Game where you kill random unidentified civilians = Relax! it's just a game! Game where you kill american extremist = OMG! how you dare frivolizing with such real life matters! Damn you Ubisoft! stop pushing your agenda! #NotAllChristians #NotAllAmericans #ButtHurtOnSoManyLevels #SuchOffense #VerySnowflake #Wow
@devilmaycryyyy: ironically, by using that word you repeated the most against those games pretty much describes your criteria in games. (and your posting history, your desperate need for attention)
@devilmaycryyyy: Funny how Xone fanboys r trying to attack PS4's PS+ and undermine it! PS I own both systems in case u r wondering, so give me a break lol
Warlord_Irochi's comments