@Popa2caps: Nah, this are not cheap ports like that. They are properly done. Overpriced, yes, but you can see that a minimum work was put into them (Except when you see cinematics, they are generally terrible)
@expredator: No, you don't have to buy them again; both your digital ones and the ones you have on disc are the ones you use. Sony is the one that makes you buy stuff again: https://www.gamespot.com/articles/all-the-ps2-on-ps4-games-so-far/1100-6449864/ But you provably know this already and you just want attention from your cheap trolling.
Is it worth it humiliating yourself so badly just for the sake of coming the next day to count the answers you got from your last trash-post? Is this what your life is all about?
@expredator: LOL I'm multi-system, kid, probably from before you could walk. (You should have checked my profile here before trying). You are the one chasing Xbox posts looking for attention and getting triggered by people comments. :)
A real gamer plays games, a childish brat bashes systems and spams articles and forums. Know your place.
@angrycreep: He bitches over anything that has to do with Xbox. He goes jumping from one Xbox article to another to try and start flames. He's one of "those" kind of child.
@KoRniTo: You can pretty much do the entirety of the game in single player (including missions). Only incursion (raids) require a group of people. But TBH no point in doing those since you can get all of the loot by playing in the other modes.
@walidras: Well... Yes? A guy who plays the game and knows it well? Also what you know about my age? You must not be a very smart kid... An "edgy wannabee" anime avatar is not helping you either. Have you tried this ones? :)
@walidras: Except the game is very active and you always find people for pretty much everything. If you are going to troll, at least try not to point yourself as a complete clueless kid.
Warlord_Irochi's comments