@sakaixx: In Germany is where I live now, in fact, xDD and true. Few people with an Xone here. I haven't touched mine since Rise of the Tomb Raider. And before that, Sunset overdrive.
But yes. Germany is mostly PC and PS4, like in the rest of Europe.
@sakaixx: Fair point. And I must say this maybe is a bit more when it comes to music and movies. I don't have a single friend there (where I am originally) with a pirated console from this or previous generation. And well... steam sales makes it worth to buy originals on PC
@Zero_Maniac: So... You just put Doom and Axiom Verge in the same sack. An original retro-game and a modern remake. There are not the same, you know... But ok, I got the point: you don't like them, so they are not objectively worthwhile. yeah...
@Damazig: "Clueless to say the least. You think a console that will cost less than the price of a single 1080ti"
That's not what he said, he's assuming about equivalent performance. Make sure you understand what you read before calling others names.
Or even better, takes your FPS obsessed PC fanboy comments somewhere else. It's the only thing you seem to write about in this web and we already have enough of that.
@computernoises: I was exactly going to comment that. The 700-series are very reliable (I still keep mine after getting a 1080, in fact) and a lot of people is still using those.
Warlord_Irochi's comments