Housemarque did it again, and with Eugene Jarvis as creative adviser there was no way this could go wrong. Getting it soon, I know I'm going to love this one.
@purgatori: Well, you are the one always trying to start arguments and call people names when they don't share your exact same ideas. Like those psots you amde in the Wolfesntein article. Look at yourself, you need help.
@purgatori: Well... Most of the rants against this game are coming from the far right spectrum pretty much everywhere.
Still, not a single one of the 15 comments currently on this article seem to fit on your description. Did you have a look first or you just posted that based on assumptions? (Maybe hoping for some kind of reaction?)
@sweet_jcs: Thinking that a loot driven game end when you "beat it" means you did not play it as intended. But answering your question: No, they don't. Blizzard keep releasing updates and content for this game because nobody plays it anymore :P
Warlord_Irochi's comments