@MJ-X: Changes of Tales of Berseria were made to achieve a lower ratting in the West. Changes in Resident Evil are due to limits in violence in games for Japan (dismemberment) That's basically it.
I don't see politics in reporting that some studios are against the ban since it's bad for them, those are just news. Disabling the comment on the other side... I don't think that was a good call from Gamespot at all
On the other side I see a weird tendency in websites in general: when one (let's put Gamespot, in this case, as an example) side with one of the "sides" giving their opinion this is always called "an agenda" by those positioned in the opposite side of the spectrum. Why is that? Seems some sites/companies/whatever can't have opinions now without being accused of having "agendas"?
Politicians and governments have agendas, media's only one has always been to generate traffic and sell newspapers. When did this change? :/
@inkman66: Well maybe then you should search for another place to talk politics other than a games website. Posting this same comment in six different posts will hardly help your cause.
Warlord_Irochi's comments