@L0mak This "joke" put an argument against this article that you can read bellow (with luck you will understand it), you just trew random insults like the average youtube commenter and were unable to even prove me wrong.
@urbuddyhaysoos @Warlord_Irochi I get your point, but still see Ellie as the core of the entire story. Can't think of it having more relevancy and for sure the story would not have change if she was actually a boy. But aren't we falling in the superficial aspect if all that some people see is if the protagonist is a man or a girl?
We talk about the rescue of a girl all the time when the game evolves to the point of being the rescue of an equal. Everybody in the game is a survivor and although they get to different outcomes, all of them go through the same. Sure we could go and say "Ellie doesn't use a gun untill Joel ALLOWS her" while we ignore that fact that Ellie is a 14 years old girl and Joel lost her daughter due to a fire arm shoot. Joel does not allow her to carry firearms because of his past, not her being a woman (and, lets remember, eventually not only he aknowledges to it, but also he makes sure she gets a weapon she can handle)
Every woman in the game has word in everything that happens. The death of Joel's sidekick was her decision (like the entire trip). Ellie saves Joel in an important part of the story, faces a group of hunters and surpases them both in body and spirit. Also, absolutely everything has to do with Ellie not being a final reward or the element to protect, but the entire purpose and the very own encarnation of hope.
I believe that if Joel was the woman and ellie the man there would be an article like this criticising it the same way, which is sad. Sometimes a guy has more presence and strenght that a girl in a game/movie (not this case, since Joel is not a strong person, but a broken one) that is as simple as the fact that we are not all the same. Are we going to criticise every single work of art that does not give a 50/50 men/women strenght and relevancy? Some persons are stronger than others, that is fact and has nothing (I repeat: nothing) to do with genre.
In this case in particular, they are pointing sexism in a game where women are the ones "in charge" and the strongest characters in the entire story development (Again, Joel may be the "winner" at the end, but for that he used lies created out of his own self-denial). So either this is a case of lack of perspective, superficial point of view, or just the wish to use a very relevant product to use the most insignificant politically incorrect element to completely demonize it.
Warlord_Irochi's comments