@bonespur88 Considering gender is in the brain, not in the body (A scientific fact you didn't even bother to learn before posting) You are both carrying a big flag of ignorance along with the confederate one.
Keep living in your little short minded world; it's easier that way, right?
(And honestly... insults regarding gender? really? what is this, youtube?)
@spotlifetv Not playing now because I have a work (In the games industry, btw).
Persuade you? I stated facts, you could only answer with insults. and a console so "game driven" that game-chat, video-chat and Avatar (Really?) are the only stuff you could throw to defend it (Man, you gonna love the X-One, provably the only thing you'll be able to do for months).
360 had the best exclusives and the best start. But now it's falling short in exclusives and unique content. Deal with it. For a multy-system gamer you sure have a pretty narrow and fanatical perspective, let me tell you.
@spotlifetv We get 2 free games each month. I don't know about you, but I got a console for playing.
Before you say a word. I own a 360, PS3 and Steam and PS+ is, with difference, the best deal. Right after that you have Steam's weekly sales (personal preferences in this).
So cross game chat all you want. I'll use my consoles for playing.
Warlord_Irochi's comments