@nakedsnakeater And she would provably write another article in which some people will agree and some people won't. And you will come to do the only thing you'll be able to do; post yet another immature and offensive comment.
@Boofylinktus If you don't like America = you are a communist. If you are not into the left side = you are a fascist. If you criticise something about a game exclusive on PS3 = You are an Xbox loving.
Missing the old times when comments in this website were intelligent.
@ajay1708 "I'm getting sick of all the controversy and scrutiny"
Gamespot has a groundbreaking feature called "keep scrolling and ignore the article". You may be tied of them, but seeing the tittle of this article I don't think you entered here by accident.
"each region has its own cultural acceptance" And in each one a ton of persons with different interests.
This logic is what makes Namco Bandai fully dub every "Tales of" game and make changes on em "they are closer to western audiences". Nobody seems to notice that the only people buying those games nowadays are fans of anime and JRPSs that like the game for (surprise!) being all filled with Japanese culture!
You know that marketing is really messed up when they are deliberately preventing you from giving them money...
@Hurvl I understand you. Mods make my 300+ hours in Skyrim to increase and increase from time to time. And half my collection remains in "stand by" for yet another week lol
Warlord_Irochi's comments