Andromeda is not the best example; but I've seen people dropping great games because LGBT characters were on them (just because they were there, even though their sexuality was irrelevant to the plot).
I really don't think said biased mentality it pays much when the sexual orientation of a character is enough to ruin your experience. I could enjoy the ME games and DAO the same way I could enjoy Kingdom Come. If devs that learned and educated themselves to be where they are now, decided to make that game that way, then there is nothing else to say. People can cry all they want and create their own fantasy enemies to blame, but the only really thing they can do is vote with their wallets.
And yes, the term "SJW" is used mostly by people that need to have an enemy to justify the bias that you mention. Ask people around what a SJW is and you will likely get 2-3 different definitions. Same as if you ask what a "gator" is.
Ironically, that is the people that will tell you that "non-gamers are ruining gaming". Real gamers are actually those playing the games they want and skipping the rest, not that oversensitive bunch incapable of not bringing politics to absolutely everything.
@vega2505: All that "SJW stuff" that you edgy kids cry about has been around since DAO. You may not know it since it was not an edgy trend back them (and you probably didn't even play said games and just want to play smart here).
@edwardnygma: "all the SJW political garbage of Andromeda" Every Mass Effect was loaded with "the SJW garbage" that you mention. I guess that, as always, you were probably busy talking crap and starting flames in the comments to actually learn about what you are talking about.
And who is to blame? The studio that has experience developing shooters and was developing a shooter or the big publisher notorious for their crippling demands 100% focused on making profit via any means necessary, no matter of it's for the detriment of the player? I think the answer is clear.
Warlord_Irochi's comments