@RELeon: I think that the Alpha was only to check traffic server-side and they did choose a super-old alpha just because it was the most stable that they had. And indeed, This Beta was running like a charm. I could even stream and capture footage without framerate issues.
@currere: Except Uplay allows you to cancel pre-orders anytime prior to the release of the game. Due to that, this private beta would actually have the potential effect of making people realize that they don't like the game and cancel their orders.
This open beta, in fact, is probably the one that seeks to trigger more pre-orders.
@jinzo9988: "but now a chunk of them want you to play each one for hundreds if not thousands of hours? It's not sustainable"
And not all of then will survive. That's how competition works.
"You put microtransactions in on top of that and people go from buying 20 games a year to maybe buying 5 or 6 and spending more per game... and I don't know how that helps anybody in particular."
Production costs keep rising in the industry. The idea is releasing a game that lasts longer and remains profitable instead of just throwing a tittle that can only get money past the initial months of sale. the GaaS idea is good... when done well. But currently few companies are getting it right.
Warlord_Irochi's comments