I will wait. This game could improve a lot if they do things right.
Think The division; game was really not worth your money and time for the first year, but everything changed after patch 1.4
Elder Scrolls Online is also a far better game now that it was at release. I'll be checking this one from time to time but, for now, there are better alternatives there for online playing... and for Fallout, i already have the previous ones on Steam.
@WarFox89: I guess they were not expecting such backslash when we talk about very limited cosmetic elements. Icon and some minor artwork here and there. They were even going to leave the kill blood decals, which I'm really surprised about. If Ubi were to change all the assets to make the game look like Spongebob Squarepants, then I would understand the outrage, but those 2-3 minor stuff are far from being something that ruins the experience. I'ma gains censorship in games as much as the next guy, but there are degrees and degrees, and each one deserves an appropriate reaction.
I can see still some legit points on the critics side; this could have been interpreted by some as a nasty precedent of more global censorship based on Chinese guidelines. Something that would be, of course, worrisome.
@3partan341: And you should just move on, dude. You've been posting for months bashing this game. A game you obviously don't like. What is the point of wasting your time like that? Do you get some kind of self-fulfillment for doing that?
@tr4newreck: I do enjoy Fallout 4 a lot, but I'm the first on telling my friends that you really can't approach it with "I'm going to play a Fallout game" mentality.
Warlord_Irochi's comments