@Furwings @Sporks_Calamity Steam has only ever charged me for what I want to play, it's a free service not a multi-hundred dollar console. Steam never trys to control me, or watch me through a weird camera. Steam sent Half Life 2 and Portal straight to me, unless MS has games that great coming out for the Xbox One, no deal!
@musalala The last time MS had a killer exclusive that made purchasing the console alone worthwhile was the original Halo. Now we get "Halo TV" how things have changed...
For me, Halo all was about PLAYING A GAME, and being told I should have "read all the books" if I wanted the plot of 4 to make sense is something of an insult. That being said, if they can capture the scale of Game of Thrones and with same high level quality of shows like Breaking Bad I'm totally keen for this.
@IcecubesPAL So in terms of tech their very similar, it'll really come down to how well can developers push the hardware. But with so few true exclusives out there, that might not even matter
Great franchise and pleased they didn't ruin it with over-franchising. 2 had amazing, epic scale and looked awesome, 3 felt like a great mix of old and news school elements with some great set piece scenes. Other devs (AND THEIR PUBLISHERS!) should read this and take notes
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