Cats are strange things. I don't claim to understand them at all, and I must admit to not being a great fan of their work, either. *shrug*
Recently, I went over to a friend of mine's place to watch some DVDs and have some dinner. Y'know, night out on the weekend after a hard day's work? NEhow, I was sitting there on the couch watching the DVD, and my friend's cat was sitting on the couch in between us. Now, for some reason the cat thought it would be nice to snuggle up against my leg (how is it that animals seem to know when you don't like them?) and go to sleep. So, trying to be nice, I figued I would pat the cat a bit - I don't like cats, but that doesn't mean I wanna be mean to them or NEthing.
The cat accepts the patting for a while, which I thought was kinda kewl. But after a short period of time decided to hunt my hand down and attack me. So here I am, being nice to a cat and stuff, and it decides to sink it's fangs into my hand and claw me some. Lovely. Now I figure the cat was just playing a bit, as it never drew blood. But even so - not very nice to attack someone being polite to ya, is it? Sues (the aforementioned friend) got a bit upset with Mischief (the aptly named cat in question), but the lil' furball (Mischief, not Sues... :)) still was fanging me, so I stopped being nice and patting her.
And people wonder why I don't like cats? :P
Then, to top it off I managed to acquire myself a stalker cat on Tuesday night. Was running a First Aid course at a St. John Centre near my house when this cat just walks in off the street and decides to explore the building! Now, I tried to shoo it out, but it didn't wanna co-operate - so I had to pick it up (cat purring the entire time - enjoying the attention, I think) and put it back outside.
Half an hour later? It's back for more! Given I was running the course at this point, it was difficult to shoo it out. So here I am, trying to teach CPR with a cat inspecting the manikin and trying to get involved... Had one of the participants put the cat out (which had curled up under her chair asleep) and close the door. But of course it sat outside and mewed for a while. It managed to get in one more time at the end of the night when people were leaving - weird creature.
So have I become a cat magnet or something? I'm a bit confused. Cats are strange...
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