Well, I have a day off from work today (and for most of the rest of this week), so here I am, making some noises at the world again. :D
In the three months, things have changed a bit around my house. I used to be the owner of a PC (slightly aging now - it's just over a year old... :P) and a well-loved PS2. And when I had the inclination, I would spend a bit of time on each, killing some evil monsters, or exploring desolate castles, or playing magical musical instruments, or even running screaming from ghosts or aliens, or weird zombie things. All a lot of fun, really.
The Christmas 2004 arrived, and my Gaming experience broadened somewhat with the addition of an X-Box to my Console collection. And the games varied, including some kewl racing games, a weird alien music game, and some good old RPG type action. All wrapped up in the slighty larger, but just as fun console itself.
Then in February, I headed into uncharted territory. I had never owned a hand-held console previously, so when the Nintendo DS came out, I managed to acquire one and have added in some slightly weird and quite different styles of games to the mix, mostly involving some kind of Mario type thing.
Then last week occurred. I was in EB Games, having a chat with the staff there about the Gamecube, and made a decision. Picked myself up a second hand 'Cube, with a couple of games - Resident Evil and Metroid Prime - to keep myself amused. Once I got used to how SMALL the Console is, and found some space for it on my Gaming table, everything fell into place. Played Metroid Prime for a couple of hours, and am quite enjoying it so far. :D
So now I have managed to accumulate four Consoles (of varying sizes) for my Gaming collection, and now need to spend some time trying to track down some awesome games for each of them. There's a few new releases I'm trying to track down, and also some older games (such as Eternal Darkness - Sanity's Requiem) that I've gotta keep an eye out for on my travels.
Busy busy busy. I should get a bit of time over the next week or so to finish up some of the Games on my Now Playing list. Finished WarioWare Touched (review to follow), and am thinking about finally completing the Challenge between Stan and myself - which has been on hold for a few weeks now due to work insanity. We'll see how things unfold, eh?
More another time, people.
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